Peter (Church) Step out of the Boat

Peter (Church) Step out of the Boat

posted in: Encouragement 2

“Peter (Church) step out of the boat. I bid you to come now. Have faith and trust Me”

Love, Lord Jesus

The Lord gave me this encouraging word a while ago for my local church body, and I believe it is for the whole Church Body everywhere, so I am going to share it here. One of the million things I love about the Lord is that He is always teaching us. Remember the disciples calling Him Teacher? I believe the Lord loves to teach us. He is so gracious and wants us to come sit at His feet like Mary.

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart…

The Lord says in Matthew 11:29: Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Wow! What an Amazing God we serve!

While most of us don’t like to make mistakes or step out of our comfort zones, the Lord wants us to do that. How else can we learn and grow?

I believe the Lord also wants you to know that YOU matter. YOU are needed. YOU are valuable. God needs YOU. We need YOU. So when the Lord says come, step out of your comfort zone, or let go of that “security blanket” you are holding on to, whatever that may be for you, I encourage you; it is time to step out of the boat like Apostle Peter did. Step out and trust the Lord. Greater things are yet to come for you, and His plans for you are much better than you can imagine.

Faith, in many ways, is spelled R-I-S-K! For it isn’t far better to step out of the boat Beloved, even if it’s just for a few moments like Peter and fail than to be stuck in the boat of life watching. Isn’t it better to try and maybe fail and learn in the process than not try?

And remember that Jesus did not let Peter drown.

And remember that Jesus did not let Peter drown. He was right there with His hand out to save him the moment he took His eyes off Jesus. May we keep our eyes fixed like flint on Jesus and not be discouraged or condemned. May we take courage. Face our fears and do it anyways, if the Lord bids us to come.

Lastly, remember that Simon Peter was the one who the Lord changed his name from Simon (swaying reed) to Peter (rock)! The Bible says God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11); what He can do with one, He can do with another. I pray that you allow the Lord to make you into the secure rock He has created you to be in Him in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

2 Responses

  1. Thank you A. Marie for your comment. You are so right, having a strong relationship with the Lord (which happens over time) helps us to keep our eyes on Him and helps us to have the courage to step out. Also so well put about the journey with the Lord, is filled with so much isn’t it?… but Jesus IS forever faithful! Yes! Great encouragement!

  2. A.Marie Therese'

    Having a strong relationship with Jesus may result in keeping our eyes fixed on Him. With this in mind faith would possibly lead one to step out taking us further into our calling. This journey is constant with excitement,blessings,joy and sometimes disapointment, yet Jesus is forever faithful. Stepping out is the way to go!

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