Lion of Judah Roar - Rise up in your Authority

Prophetic Word: Lion of Judah Roar – Rise Up

My Throne Room Brothers and Sisters, the Holy Spirit has really been zooming in on a prophetic message that I want to share with you. It is very powerful and encouraging. Since after receiving this and sharing it with several, I have heard this word echoed by other prophets and prophetic voices across the globe. I want to give you some back ground on this so you can see the major focus that God has placed on this particular message.

It all started with a brother in the Lord from CA who I spoke to about a year ago who had a dream that the Lion of Judah had entered into my house and was roaring on my behalf. Within a week or less of him calling and sharing this, I heard a song being sung about the Lion of Judah and the anointing of the Holy Spirit was so strong I began to cry and also get excited simultaneously…

The Holy Spirit at that time was ALSO having me pray for the “Lion of Judah Lord Jesus Christ to rise up and roar on our behalf.” I have been praying this over various things since then (Church, my family, myself personally, others, the region, the nation etc).

About 2 weeks ago, I had a dream of the Lord as the Lion of Judah roaring from His throne over this region. It was in the spirit and possibly in the natural (was hard to tell in the dream) but I could feel and discern in the dream that the roar was incredibly loud and powerful. The enemy began to tremble and everything began to shake strongly, spirits and things. It also had a quality to it that reminded me of a clarion call as well. It was for all to hear. It was steady, powerful and loud.

I have been praying and waiting for release on this and to see if the Lord may want to add a Word to this for the Body of ChristWell indeed He has! The Holy Spirit has brought the Word forth now. Here is what I heard the Lord say: 

I AM the Lion of Judah, hear Me roar! For there is a SOUND rising up and coming forth even now, says the Lord. It has been sounding and it will INCREASE to ALL CORNERS of the EARTH. It will INCREASE in duration and in intensity.

The SOUND is being released into the spirit realm and is having an IMMENSE effect. It is SHAKING the heavens and the earth. The sound of heaven of the Lion of Judah must REVERBERATE throughout the whole EARTH. It is the sound of the King of Kings declaring, “Make way a path for the Lord, the King of Glory to enter in!”

It is ALSO a sound PROCLAIMING and CALLING FORTH the ARMY of the Lord! It is a clarion call to those in the Body of Christ to RISE UP and allow Me, the Lion of Judah, to ROAR IN YOU and THROUGH you.

There is a fresh revelation, for THOSE who are willing to DARE TO BELIEVE and RECEIVE…who will walk in a NEW LEVEL of My KINGDOM AUTHORITY that I have already given you. You are BELIEVERS not doubters!


YOU are to trample on snakes and scorpions and nothing will by any means harm you!

YOU are to speak in the name of Jesus AND at the name of Jesus every knee must bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord!

YOU are to SPEAK TO THE STORMS and command them to bow their knee and to be still!

YOU are to COMMAND the evil MOUNTAINS (sickness, lack, fear etc) to melt like wax before the Lord!

YOU are to CAST OUT demons, HEAL the sick, RAISE the dead and SPEAK in other tongues!


Freely you have RECEIVED, NOW freely you are to GIVE as the SPIRIT OF GOD ENABLES you and LEADS you by His POWER working strongly WITHIN you!

PRAYER: Father God I thank You for Your Word by Your Holy Spirit, I pray that those that have an ear to hear will hear what Your Spirit is speaking at such a time as this. I pray that all of whom You wish to receive this Word will receive it now and even bring to You in prayer, that You may ignite it in their hearts and they may receive the revelation that You have intended for them to receive in Jesus name amen. I pray they pray into this prophecy and call that You are placing here. I pray that all who You wish to answer this call will come forth and hear You in Jesus name. I thank You Abba Father for You sealing all that is of You by Your Holy Spirit and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ in the power and authority that is in the Name of Jesus I pray this Amen and Amen.

Does this Word resonate with you? I would love to hear what you think in the comments below!

God bless you all, ALWAYS in His LOVE and GRACE walking WITH you. Love your sis, Sybella Owens


Scripture reference

Mark 16:17-18 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Read More

Matthew 10:8 (AMP) Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

Luke 10:19 (AMP) Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you.

Philippians 2:10-11 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; 11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Psalm 97:5 The mountains melted like wax at the presence of the Lord,
At the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.

Mark 4:39 Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.

Acts 2:17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.

Colossians 1:29 For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.

Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

22 Responses

  1. Sybella Owens

    Yeeees, Amen Ardella

  2. Ardella Watson

    Yes. Hosea 11: 10 – 11

  3. Amen dear Cheryl! Hallelujah! Yes Lord I agree with my sister that we thank You Abba and we stand firm and ready in Your Word Father in Jesus’ Name amen! Thank you so much sister for taking the time to read, receive and your kind and gracious comments, glory to God indeed! Much agape love and God bless you abundantly on your walk with Him!

  4. cheryl

    I receive this word! Thank you Father for the power and authority that you give us. Through you I am free and ready to stand firm on your word. Thank you Sybella for your gifts that are such a blessing. To God be the Glory! Amen

  5. Amen Eva, excellent point. Sometimes people don’t have faith to step out and walk in their authority but if they never step out in that authority then faith cannot be confirmed or built.

    The Lord gave me an example of riding a bike. We start of on a tricycle when we are really little, as we grow and get faith we move to a bigger bike with training wheels, then as we grow stronger by stepping it we can finally take the training wheels off and ride confidently!

    Thanks for reading and commenting dear Eva!

  6. Eva Alessandra

    If we do not take our Authority we do not know what power the Lord has given to us by Jesus’s work on the Cross. This is a timely Word with teaching and encouragement for the Body of Christ. Thank you Sybella very encouraging!!

  7. Amen Leah! That is awesome, praise God! I’m really encouraged by this Word also. I really beleive this is where the Lord is trying to bring us in the Body of Christ…our identity in Him, how much He loves us, our inheritance and like you said, the authority He has given us…so He can work through us, as He wants, to bring salvation! Hallelujah! Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I appreciate it!

    God bless you my friend! Love to you my sister in Christ! ~ Sybella

  8. Leah Vincent

    Thank you for sharing this word! It has encouraged me to step out in faith believing that with God I can conquer all obstacles placed in front of me! By His authority He has given me power to do His work!

  9. Amen dear sister Sheila! Glory to God! It’s great to keep reading it and praying into it before the Lord. The bible talks about meditating on the Word of God. So Hallelujah that Holy Spirit is drawing you to take it in and receive into your heart for His purposes and encouragement! God bless you so much and thank you for reading, receiving and sharing!

  10. Hallelujah!!!Amen my dear brother Raymond, Thank You Lord for speaking through us, and Your children, by the power of Your Holy Spirit. We pray that we may all hear, receive and walk in who You have called us to be and in the authority You have given us, by the power of Your Holy Spirit and to the glory of Your Name and perfect will in Jesus Name! We love You Lord Jesus, our Bridegroom!

  11. Raymond Rimple

    It’s amazing how the word becomes alive what our fathers says it happen it real it alive I can hear lord saying yes to these words that is of me these are the last days. My voice will be roaring. Out to my people in the spirit and in the flesh he who has an ear let them hear what the spirit. Is saying a great awakening is coming. Where my people will rise up and proclaim. My words and the gospel and I bring to the ends of the earth. My tongue will be on fire for the lord my heart shall beat 70x 70 my legs shall run to the ends of the earth. The rider is coming and his word and sword is shaper. His voice is greater. And he is coming. With an army. To speedily to take earth back. Jesus says I am coming. Very soon. Get. Ready. Get prepared get ready to Go and change the atmosphere my people my children. Gods love is coming. To heart near you. The heavens are opening. Up and the dead in Christ shall and meet with. Him. Yes say. The lord. Every eye see the coming of the lord. My children. A new season is upon you. Seek he first the kingdom of heaven only. The bride and the groom is coming together very soon. Repent and forgive love one another. As I love you. Surrender your flesh. And give our Heavenly Father the best a tree is known by is. Fruits pray for enemies. Pray for those who dispite you for me says lord. Pray for your families the Holy Spirit is moving throughout the face of the earth searching. Those who are turning there hearts to Jesus. Tell all of friends. That time is running out when Jesus comes. It’s over. To hear the voice of the lord. The lion of Judah says get ready get set and Go remember my children. The enemy has already being defeated death has be destroyed Anyone who believe in the name of Jesus they shall live Christ has died Christ has risen and Christ is coming again. May the grace and peace of our lord Jesus Christ be with alll amen. Amen

  12. Sheila

    Amen Amen ….Glory Hallelujah …this is the most awesome post I’ve ever read…absolutely awesome….love it soooo much …..I can’t stop reading it I read it over and over again…Thanks sis for sharing it …God Bless you always

  13. Glory to God my dear sister Kelly! Hallelujah! Thank You Lord! I’m SO happy to hear this sis! Thank You Holy Spirit for ministering and confirming to my dear sister in Christ! Yes! Take it back in the name of Jesus!!! Amen and Amen, agreeing with you God’s beloved!

    Much love to you in Christ! Love your sis, Sybella Owens

  14. Kelly Sellers

    Glory Hallelujah. Glory to the Lamb of God!!! My sister in Christ this post is awesome. This is confirmation for me. I know father is calling me but I am allowing the enemy to keep me distracted. But no more I’m taking my life back

  15. Amen dear brother Felix! Glory to God! Yes Lord! That is awesome! Thank you so much for reading, witnessing and sharing your testimony and confirmation. That is super encouraging! We praise You Lord!

    God bless you my friend in Christ! Your sis, Sybella =)

  16. I agree my dear sister CL, you touch on many excellent points here. “Every part matters” is something that the Lord has put so strongly on my heart as well. Where you say, “all have a ‘place’ but all are not profitable to the body of Christ” really resonates with many. All of us in the Body of Christ are in need of continual encouragement, building up, learning, correction, submission to the Holy Spirit, humility, and teach-abilty. It is written throughout the epistles to the Church. Unity is so important and discipleship. Also we need to really get revelation of our IDENTITY IN CHRIST, this has been ringing for awhile now in my heart. It all comes back to revelation of Who God is and Who He says we are in Him, being led by His Spirit. I believe this message of rising up the Lord is speaking into this as well, to know we are BELIEVERS NOT DOUBTERS and when He says, new revelation to those who DARE TO BELIEVE.

    I agree also with the much pressing in of prayer, fasting and surrendering being vital now more then ever!

    Thank you so much CL for reading, receiving and your witness and wise comments in the Holy Spirit. I appreciate it greatly! God bless you my dear sister! Much love to you in the Lord!

    Your sis, Sybella =)

  17. Evangelist Felix

    There was a time I was praying asking God for a spirit of a lion upon me {to be bold enough to preach the gospel}. The answer did cut me open ‘The Lion of the tribe of Judah lives in you’. I didn’t know what I was saying then until I read this post ! Roar in me Lord, that I may go forth and proclaim your message to all the nations.
    Thank you for sharing my friend.

  18. Amen Rita! Hallelujah! I agree my sister! Thank God He encourages us and He is Lord! Yes Lion of Judah roar and Church rise up and hear what the Spirit of God is saying we pray in Jesus’ name amen!

    God bless you dear sis, thank you for your witness and comment! Much love to you in the Lord!

    Your sis in Christ, Sybella =)

  19. Rita

    Wow!! This is beautiful and it resonates with me. This is so heartening and encouraging at this dark time. I believe the time is now.. As the evil rises, the Lion of Judah will rise and roar and make a pathway for His people. Praise God, I receive this prophesy.. Amen!!!

  20. CL Mareydt


    Yes … this ‘prophetic word’ has been sent to me by the Holy Spirit &
    has been ignited to constantly change my perception & perspective
    as saint & as a ministering ambassador of the Kingdom of God.

    We stand in the Power & the Authority of Christ … with the working of
    the Holy Spirit dwelling with us to produce & conform & fill His Word.

    I don’t know about you … but I am just dog tired of all the pushing around
    of religious feel good messages, teachings, sermons religious rhetoric
    … all have a ‘place’ but all are not profitable to the body of Christ. It has
    spurred me & pressed me into prayer & fasting & certainly surrendering
    all to Jesus continually.

    Thank you Sybella for this timely prophetic word & the confirmation of
    what the Holy Spirit is really doing & really causing to be done.
    Bless you always … you are such a blessing!!!


  21. Yes! I stand in agreement with your prayer for the Churches in Jesus’ Name, Amen and Amen Brother Bob! Thank you so much for reading, witnessing and leaving a comment not only as my Brother but also as our prayer Pastor. Glory to our God! God bless you my friend =)

  22. Bob Huff

    This is True and Reliable, the Word that I, as well as others, have been hearing…..”Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches!”

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