How to Renounce Agreement with Lies

How to Renounce Agreement with Lies

posted in: How to, teaching 4

Beloved, if you read my previous post called Stop Listening to the Lies, some of you may be thinking well how do I this or just would feel more comfortable having an example. I get it, I am a visual learner myself and like to be able to walk through things with people too. So, I’ll give you an example and you can let Holy Spirit help you personalize it to your own situation. You can make it more simple or more thorough depending on what Holy Spirit shows you.

The main key ingredients that you want in your renouncing prayer are:

  1. Renouncing agreement (coming out of agreement) with the lie
  2. Replacing the lie with the truth, put in at least one scripture of the Truth
  3. Ask the Lord or Holy Spirit to root His truth in your heart and that it not be stolen in Jesus’ name

Some additional tips:

If you feel the Holy Spirit drawing you to ask for forgiveness I encourage you to do so, as Jesus took this on the cross for you, but sometimes we have problems receiving this truth and we actually don’t receive the forgiveness that is ours. Therefore, if Holy Spirit brings it up it is because He likely wants to have you receive. When in doubt always ask the Lord to show you.

Okay, so here is a prayer example and again you can reference this and make it your own as you are led. I included forgiveness also in this sample prayer so you have a reference if you need it.

PRAYER EXAMPLE: Father God, right now I renounce agreement with the lie that you have abandoned me. I replace that lie with the truth, which is, that You have not abandoned me. In fact, You say, You will never leave me or forsake me. Lord, please forgive me for agreeing with a lie, I have renounced agreement with it and I now by my free will change my mind (this is the definition of repentance) and I choose to believe You and Your Word. You are not a man that You shall lie. You are the Truth Jesus and the Holy Spirit is also called the Holy Spirit of Truth. I receive Your love and grace and thank You that I am forgiven. Holy Spirit I ask that You would root this truth in my heart and that it never be stolen again in Jesus’ name amen Thank You Lord.

Does this help you or resonate with you today? I pray the Holy Spirit has ministered to you. Would love to hear from you. ALWAYS in His LOVE and GRACE, walking WITH you, your sis, Sybella Owens

Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

4 Responses

  1. Hi my beloved sister Sheila, I can absolutely pray for you! It’s Jesus Who heals and delivers, He is our ALL IN ALL. I did say a prayer also for you on previous blog post to this one that you can look at 🙂

    Father God You know all things. You know what Your beloved daughter is struggling with and why. Lord I come alongside her to Your Throne room of grace in her time of need to receive Your mercy and grace in Jesus mighty name Thank You we are covered in the blood of Jesus. Lord I agree with my sis for You to reveal to her the root of the addictions she is dealing with, any strong holds, lies, wrong believing, healing needed?

    We ask that You would shine Your revelation Light right into this, for I thank You that she has taken courage and is doing the right thing to not hide this but to bring it out into light and expose it. Lord we know that You are our strong Deliverer and ask that You send Your Holy Spirit and Your Holy angels on assignment to remove and eradicate all evil from Sheila and her life in the name of Jesus. We command the mountain of addiction to pluck itself up by its roots and cast itself into the sea never to return to sis again in Jesus Name! Amen!

    Sis, how do you pray regarding this? I would encourage you if you are not already to make sure you are praying the blood of Jesus, ps 91, 121, Zech 2:5, also declare your identity in Christ, pray to be rooted in it. new creation in Christ, righteousness of God in Christ etc. receive holy communion, use anointing oil (if you order at my shop I’ll send you free travel size anointing oil with another purchase or you can get large one) for this by faith. Hope this helps! Much love to you!

  2. Hallelujah dear Rita! Thank you so much for sharing. I’m so glad you were blessed! God bless you my beloved sister!

  3. Sheila

    Amen Amen …this prayer helps alot thank you my sis….but I’ve got a problem a reallllllly biggggggg problem….I am struggling to get rid of an addiction…I don’t know what is the problem with me ..why can’ t I just let go of it I don’ t know if it’s a stronghold or what it is but for me it’s realllllllly a bigggggg struggle…I asked soooo many people to help me pray …I don’ t know of they did pray …please my sis I am asking you to help me pray to get rid of the addiction …please please my sis ….God will Bless you that I do believe becoz I needed someone who will reallly pray … you sis and God Bless you

  4. Rita

    Loved this and shared this on my FB page, Lighthouse..

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