Shoot out My arrows of Truth

Shoot My Arrows of Love and Truth

posted in: Prophetic Words 6

Do you need a reminder of how much God loves you? What about His heart for the world and that you have purpose?

Well keep reading because this is a powerful and beautiful, inspiring word to help strengthen you and motivate you to go out as our Abba Father leads you.

Abba says:

Please know My heart for you My children and My heart for the world. My heart soars for you! With one glance of your eye, you have ravished My heart! Yes, YOU have ravished My heart, My Bride, My Sister, My spouse.

My Love for you is stronger than the grave, My Love has overcome it! Oh it has overcome it! I looked death straight in the eye and said, “give Me the keys!” I conquered it! I rose from the dead! “Oh death, where is your sting,” says the Lord?

It is all but smoke and mirrors to those who know Me… but to those who don’t, they must learn and hear, that I AM their Hope, I AM their Savior, I AM their Lord, the One Who loves them. They need to receive Me. For I have done it all for them too!

I have made it as easy as possible for people to receive Me. It was not easy for Me, but I have made it easy for you. Oh, I do not want any to perish, says the Lord.

Therefore, shoot, shoot, shoot out my blazing arrows of truth! My blazing arrows of love, so that they may penetrate into lost souls, into the prodigals, into the desperate and hurting ones, into the naysayers, into the atheists, into those who claim to hate Me, but don’t truly know Me.

Shoot into those who are confused, under attack, weary, in despair, struggling even in My Body, says the Lord. Shoot them out, that they may discern the flesh, from the spirit, life from death, truth from lies.

Ask that I keep filling and refilling your quivers with My divine arrows, My words, that are sharper then a two edged sword.

Then pray and believe that as you do, I will direct them strategically, so that they will instruct, correct, redirect, restore, reconcile, realign, reassign, relocate, bring freedom, salvation, hope, deliverance, healing and bring forth My life forevermore!

Oh Hallelujah! Did this word stir you today? Let me know what you think in comments!

Forever His – Sybella Owens

Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

6 Responses

  1. Sybella Owens

    Hi Marie, Yes, you are not alone sister, God is doing a deep deep heart work right now & desires to heal people’s inner wounds etc. Yes, I can try to help you. Here is what I would recommend: joining my Facebook ministry page and YouTube also?

    Also signing up for fresh fire from His throne at bottom of this webpage. I will be doing a Training School online as well and one of the things the Lord has placed on my heart is to reveal the Father’s heart. Is it ok with you if I use the email address you used here to keep you posted?

    Here are some other posts in meantime: If you contact me directly through FB or contact us I can give you some other resources.

    God bless you dear sister and know that you are not alone, freedom is coming in Jesus’ name amen!

  2. Marie

    Hi Sybella
    I would like to fall deeply in love woth my Lord and savior. But it seem that I’m missing faith and there is inner healing issues that I need to resolved one and for all. Can you help me please

  3. Sybella Owens

    Amen Venessa! I am praising and thanking God with you! Hallelujah!

  4. Sybella Owens

    Hi Dawn, so sorry I am getting to this so late, I was at 3 back to back conferences and trying to catch up on my various ministry pages. Father we cover Dawn’s son Lucas in the blood of Jesus and thank You for pouring in Your Love. WE bind and cancel out the attack of the enemy and against his thyroid and life in Jesus mighty name! We loose the Holy Spirit and your life Lord, breathe in Your fresh Life into and over Lucas, we call things forth that are not as though they are because in the spirit Jesus took this on the cross. We call forth Lucas’ healing in Jesus’ name by faith Father and declare and decree that Lucas shall live & not die & he shall declare the works of God! that You shall raise him up out of any sickbed and restore him! That Dawn and I touch & agree in the spirit for His healing Lord in Jesus name. We declare no weapon formed against Lucas shall prosper in Jesus Mighty name! Please keep me posted. Also sis, if you want to please check out a periscope video I did I think the the 2nd or 3rd to last one there was a powerful healing anointing. You can see that here:

  5. Venessa

    This word really helps me to place some direction and intent on my prayers with the Lord, enabling me to come out on that hiding place that he spoke of earlier.
    Thankyou for His word.

  6. Dawn

    Thank you dear sister in the Lord for that powerful anointed word from His throne room.
    I have a really urgent prayer request , would you please intercede on our behalf. My six week old grandson Lucas, seems to be having issues with his thyroid. This is not good especially during this tender time of his development. Please pray against this. That it would be quickly resolved without any residual negative effect on his development. They are running tests and consulting with specialists.
    Please pray for Lucas.

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