Discern and Guard your Divine Alignments

Discern and Guard Divine Alignments

posted in: teaching 15

Hi my brothers and sisters in Christ! This is very important. Who you surround yourself with matters immensely! The bible says that a house divided shall fall.

The bible says two can walk together if only in agreement. This is true with alignments as well. Here is an encouraging word to exhort you and spur you on in this season. We know divine alignments are one of the keys.

Some people will not understand or recognize the call on your life. Every part matters and we have different calls and functions within the Body. It’s like a puzzle. Make sure your you pray for the Lord’s divine alignments and that you fit like puzzle pieces. But it does not stop there! Then make sure you guard it!

The devil recognizes the difference between a DIVINE Godly alignment and one that is in the flesh. He is not threatened by the fleshly ones, but the Godly ones, and he will try to take those down. If you are not sober and vigilant on this then even know it was God, it can fall. No one is immune to this.

It takes two (or the group) willing mature people who know who they are in Christ, who put Jesus as center not only between and above each other, but also keep Jesus first (submitted to Him) in themselves.

They also need to be willing to be humble, face things, admit when they are wrong, be gracious and quick to forgive. It takes much prayer, discernment in the Holy Spirit and really the GIFT of discerning of spirits, not just regular discernment (which all Christians should have).

Bible grace is undeserved, unearned, unmerited favor. While trust is earned and character is tested, if you are in a DIVINE alignment then be mindful you take extra care to guard yourself and that person and give it a chance.

Many alignments break up due to unwilling communication, pride, confusion, issues that the Lord is actually trying to trigger on purpose to heal and strengthen you and you’re not allowing or trusting His process.

Relationships take time. Iron sharpens iron. Don’t assume that God aligns you with someone as if it’s supposed to be tiptoeing through the tulips all the time. He is more concerned about our character them comfort.

If you are divinely aligned then there is purpose in it beyond what you realize. It is bigger than you! Part of that, often is to help bring things up that need to be dealt with in order to prepare you to go to the next level. It also can be kingdom business! Therefore, without the alignment things that need to happen would not.

This is how relationships are strengthened and you learn how to deal with the onslaught of the enemy, as well as, stand strong with one another in Christ.

If you are not willing to honor the process and the other person’e heart, as God does yours, then you need to check yourself with the Lord. Be honest and humble and allow Him access to heal you.

Does this word resonate with you? Would love to hear your comments below.

Your Sis in Christ, Sybella Owens

#Alignment #Guard #SybellaOwensMinistries

Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

15 Responses

  1. Sybella Owens

    Amen Cindy! You are so welcome, I thank God with you as well. Be blessed my sister in Christ!

  2. Cindy

    Dear Sybella, I believe this word is very timely for the season we are in. It also explains a lot what I have been experiencing. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Sybella Owens

    That’s awesome Bonnie! God is so good like that LOL, He loves to surprise up. He gets the glory! 🙂

  4. Bonnie Currie

    YES! God has me divinely aligned with the most unlikeliest people. However, surprisingly I am happily LOVING it as I learn, grow and heal and get sharpened (as well as they get sharpened). This process is awesome!

  5. Sybella Owens

    Glory to God, thank you Linda! Yes and Amen! May God bless you more 🙂

  6. Linda Risker

    Philippians 2:2
    if there be there fore any consolation in Christ if any comfort of Love, if any fellowship of the spirit,
    if any bowel and mercies, Fufil ye my joy that ye be Like minded, having the same love being of one accord of mind. alignments

    Thank You so much

  7. Sybella Owens

    Hi Aimee! Welcome, great to see you here! Hallelujah! I am so glad to hear that God used this word to bring your confirmation of your friend. Thank You Lord! God bless you, hope to see you again!

  8. Aimee Dalipe

    God used this word to tell me about my friend that we always fight. I don’t feel she understand me but God is telling me she is a divine alignment. thank you!

  9. Sybella Owens

    Beautifully said Brother Peter and I agree wholeheartedly! The Lord is trying very hard to reach us in this area and to is a key that many of sadly missed but I am believing with you for a divine shift as He is raising up people who have a special anointing in this area specifically not only to walk in it but to train and equip in it! Hallelujah!

    Yes Lord I agree with my brothers’ prayer in Jesus’ Mighty Matchless name amen.

  10. Sybella Owens

    Hi Brother Raymond, Amen, well said. Thank You Abba. God bless you brother, thank you for stopping by, always a joy to see you here.

  11. Sybella Owens

    Amen Sis Cheryl! So glad you were blessed! Great to see you here!

  12. Cheryl Maddox

    Timely word. True alignments equal true unity. So powerful! Thank you

  13. Raymond rimple

    Hi. My sister thank you so much for the word and your absolutely right. Every part matters in the body of Christ unity is the key to papa heart may God continue bless you and letting his light shine through you. We thank you Jesus our sister Sybella Lord in Jesus name amen

  14. Rita

    I just posted on the unity that precedes the revival..yes, it does resonate greatly. God bless you dearest sister.

  15. Peter Cloughley

    Great word on divine alignments Sybella. This of course is where the Lord wants the whole body of Christ to be at as Jesus prayed just before ascending back to the Father – “that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.” John 17:21
    I believe the Father’s heart yearns and aches for His children to deal with our “stuff” and to mature into a family who love The Lord with everything and love each other as ourselves. Only then will the world really know that we are His disciples when we love one another unconditionally with Godly alignment and only then the commandment of the Lords blessing will come in its fullness.
    Lord help us to deal with the things in our lives that you are not pleased with and do not promote true love with you and with each other, in Jesus name.

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