Exposing, Justice and Opportunity

Exposing, Justice and Opportunity

posted in: Prophetic Words 6

There is a lot going on in the world right now and in the United States of America. There is a lot going on behind the scenes, both in the spirit, and in the natural.

John 10:10 is clear that it is the devil that comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but that Jesus came so we may have life and life more abundantly. It is also clear that the Lord will use what the enemy means for harm, and turn it around for our good because we love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

God will also use these things to reveal and expose hidden things. There is much being exposed and revealed in this season. The Lord gave me a prophetic word at the beginning of the year on Psalm 37, that we would see the exposing of evil being done through men in high places. It would be the beginning of God bringing His holy judgment. That in this exposing we would see many things, including many children being rescued (I actually saw children in cages) pedophile rings, and sex trafficking exposed, and other very disturbing things.

The Lord told me that what has been hidden, would be brought right out into the open for all to see. This word has come to pass already, and will continue to with much more intensity over time.

I encourage you to read through Psalm 37 today prayerfully, and ask the Lord to bring courage and peace to your heart. I also want you to notice where it says to feed on His faithfulness.

While the mainstream media spews out poisonous food daily, much of it being fake and untrue, remember to feed on the Word of God which brings healing to us (Proverbs 3:8).

Lord Jesus is the Bread of Life and the Living Word (John 6:35). The more we feed on the Truth, the stronger we become and remain. I want to encourage you (if you have not been already) to receive Holy Communion daily.

While the intensity is only going to increase in many ways as prophesied in the Bible, remember that as thick darkness covers the earth, the Lord’s light and glory that is upon His true Church, will stand out like a lighthouse in total darkness (Isaiah 60) for all to see. This is all about souls. We are in a spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:12).

Down time is Prep Time

Down time is prep time. While I realize this may not feel like down time to many, those who have their spiritual senses trained in discernment (Hebrews 5:14) realize that what the devil has meant to destroy the Church and mankind, the Lord is using it to wake up not only the world, but especially the Body of Christ. This is in preparation for what God wants to bring forth. It’s actually God’s mercy that has protected us.

This virus situation was predicted to be way worse than it has been. Our prayers avail much (James 5:16). The devil has mongered fear at an all time high, gripping many in a tormenting panic, which in many ways is worse then the virus itself.

The devil has taken full advantage through ignorant, deceived, or demonically inspired leaders in various states to try to steal freedoms. Thank God we have a President called for such a time as this, who has been pointing the world to Jesus Christ, prayer and has done more for the Church of Jesus Christ than ever before.

This has been and still is an opportunity for the Church, in the midst of this sobering and challenging season, to learn and see where we really are in our own personal faith, our personal Churches, and as the Body of Christ around the nations.

How much do we believe the Word? How much are we fasting, praying and interceding for our president, our leaders and others (1 Timothy 2:1-4)? Are there areas where we need strengthening? Were we prepared? Do our leaders teach us the whole counsel of God so that we realize our authority (Luke 10:19)?

If not, then we need to be praying to God to show us what church to go to and go in obedience. Do we know and believe that by Jesus’ stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24)? Do you we know and have revelation of the Holy Communion and the Lord’s delivery system through this powerful covenant meal (1 Corinthians 11:27-29)? Do we know that secret place of intimacy with the Lord where we can find refuge under the shadow of His wings (Psalm 91)?

It is vital that we do a honest evaluation of ourselves in light of God’s Word, and by the Spirit of God helping us. It is imperative that we humble ourselves, pray and repent of anything the Holy Spirit shows us.This should be part of our daily balanced walk with the Lord since our cooperation with the Holy Spirit is necessary for Him to accomplish His will and transform us from glory to glory and from faith to faith.

Repentance sadly today, is not even taught from some pulpits. Repentance is a beautiful mercy and grace of God (Matthew 3:8, Romans 2:4, 2 Corinthians 7:9, Luke 17:3-4, Revelation 2:5).

How any of us can ignore the desperate need we have for the Lord? We must take responsibility of our freewill choices, and remember our absolute need for His power, His Spirit and His Word in our lives, along with His mercy and grace and so much more.

We Must Know Our Rights

Another important lesson the Lord showed me that we need to learn as the Body of Christ, is not only to be rooted and established in our covenant rights as Kingdom citizens, seated with Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6), but also we need to know our rights as citizens in our nation.

I had a dream last week where the police came to a woman’s house and they started going to areas where they didn’t belong. They were overstepping this woman’s rights quite freely and aggressively. This woman began to ask the police to please help her with the reason she called them, but they would not listen.

It was a short dream but when I woke up, the Lord immediately gave me the scripture reference from Apostle Paul who learned his rights and spoke up in Acts 22:22-29. The Bible says, that when the tribune ordered that Paul be brought to the barracks for flogging, as they stretched out their whips, Apostle Paul spoke up and asked them if it was lawful to do what they were doing to him because he was a Roman citizen. When those who were about to flog him learned that he knew his rights and would speak up about them, the bible says they stopped immediately and were afraid.

It is imperative that we as Christians don’t fall for the lie that we are not supposed to know about politics, laws and other pertinent information that allow us to vote and identify the truth so our liberties are not stolen from right under us.

The devil is taking full advantage right now of our ignorance. It is our responsibility to vote, to know our laws, the constitution, the bill of rights etc. Look at our forefathers. We want to get educated right now, not only as citizens of heaven, but also citizens of the USA or whatever nation you belong to.

Remember we always want to seek first the Kingdom of heaven, but we are to also to be a good steward of where He has placed us so we can be effective.The Bible is clear that we are to obey the laws of the land, be respectful, pay taxes etc (Romans 13:1-7). However, we also see in the Bible in Acts 5:27-29  that there are times when we are not to obey laws and that is if they go against God’s laws.

In fact in Acts 5:40-42 we see Apostle Peter and John praising God after they disobeyed what the authorities had told them regarding teaching in the Name of Jesus. We also have the example above of the scripture the Lord gave me of Apostle Paul who exercised his citizen rights in Acts 22:22-29.

So let’s ask the Lord, for His wisdom, instruction, discernment, courage and timing. We want to be led by the Holy Spirit at all times, not reacting in fear or anger. This is very important right now, as the devil is setting up demonic set ups to take advantage of those who may act out of the timing of God, including at peaceful gatherings.

However, we also are not to shrink back or be moved by fear (Hebrews 10:38, 2 timothy 1:7), this includes running forward at the wrong time, as well as, not doing anything at all.

We are to be prayerfully moved by the Spirit of God, in His wisdom and timing (Romans 8:14). This is why knowing and hearing the Lord is so important through personal relationship.

PRAYER: Lord thank You for preparing us, educating, equipping us and leading us with Your divine wisdom, boldness in Your timing and with Your anointing, power and favor. Help us to discern correctly, in Jesus Name Amen.

Dis this bless you today? Please leave comments and met me know how you are doing in this time. What are you learning? I will pray for you in agreement if you leave the requests below.

An great resource to find out more about the laws of the land is Wallbuilders.com with historian David Barton.

– Sybella Owens

Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

6 Responses

  1. Sybella

    You’re so welcome Kurt, always great to see you here, thank you for taking the time. God bless you my friend.

  2. Sybella

    Hallelujah Sis Dorothy! I’m so glad you were blessed by his post. These are several things that the Lord has shown me. I agree with you. It’s crucial we know and keep paying attention because the spiritual battle we are in manifests into the natural world and as the Church of Jesus Christ, we are called to intercede regarding these things and enforce the victory that Jesus, died and rose again for us to walk in! Hallelujah!

  3. Sybella

    Amen Sis CL! I agree completely! Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it. It’s always a joy to see you here. God bless you more in Jesus Name!

  4. Kurt

    Thank you Sybella.

  5. CL Mareydt

    Ty for sharing your prophetic word and insights … for such a time as this! And, I do believe along with you Sybella, that the Word & the timing of the LORD is crucial in everything we hear and see in this day and age. God bless you.

  6. Dorothy Lohr

    Thank you. This is worth memorizing to me.

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