Are you in a fiery trial? Watch your confession!

Are you in a Fiery Trial? Watch your Confession!

posted in: Encouragement 13

Hello Beloved of the Lord! I have missed you, but as some of you know I have been taking time off with the Lord in obedience.

Those of you that follow me on Facebook, I encourage you to listen to the prophetic word the Lord gave for this year 2018. It is in two parts and packed full of His Awesomeness.

You can listen to part one on my ministry page here and part two here.

Part of the word for us this year is all about the Lord’s fire, purity and consecration. It also has to do with huge miracles and Red Sea type of deliverance! Can anyone relate?

I want to encourage you that if you are going through intense fiery trials like never before, or it seems unrelenting or repetitive in nature (where the enemy won’t stop pursuing you in certain areas like Pharaoh) it is because the Lord has already set in motion blessings for you to walk in on the other side but you (and me) need to mind our mouths!


Now, more then ever, we want to be mindful of what we are saying. I have been studying and meditating on Mark 11:23-24 scripture for quite some time now.

Another similar scripture we often refer to is Proverbs 18:21 – death and life are in the power of the tongue and we shall eat the fruit thereof…WOW. Come on now, somebody!

We all seem to like to quote this, but do we honestly understand and believe this? Because if we do, then what we speak will and should drastically change. This is some POWERFUL Truth people of God. LIFE and DEATH. We SHALL HAVE WHATEVER WE SAY…

23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall SAY unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he SAITH shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he SAITH. (EMPHASIS MINE)


Another great part to this is verse 24 that says we are to also BELIEVE that we have RECEIVED what we have prayed and then we SHALL have it!

24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. This is also a key in faith and receiving!

John 10:10 says that the enemy (devil) comes to steak, kill and destroy. Like many of you, the enemy has attacked me at times, as well and it just proves and shows he is immensely terrified of me and you walking out our calling and purpose that God has for our lives! You may say but why me? Well, it’s actually CHRIST in you! 

So I want to encourage any of you that are going through heavy stuff. Apostle Peter put it this way in 1 Peter 4:

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.

I know for us at times we are surprised, well Peter admonishes us to not be surprised and to actually recognize this as God’s glory upon us and to then rejoice!


The devil is afraid of the glory of Christ in you. He shows this when he relentlessly attacks. He would not bother if you were not a threat to his kingdom. The glory of the Lord rests upon YOU Beloved. Let that truth sink in today.

As Believers, we are the ones that can invoke change. We are the ones that the Lord, in His amazing grace, has given authority to trample on all the evil works of the devil in the Name of Jesus.

We are the ones that can speak in the Name of Jesus knowing that every knee must bow and confess that Jesus is Lord. We are God’s Beloved filled with the Greater One in us. Of course the enemy is trembling, he knows his time is short.


Our job is to keep pressing in and forward with our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our Faith. Meditate on His Word, pray without ceasing, speak out and decree His Word (now more then ever) no matter what it looks like or whatever is thrown at us.

Keep standing like the Word says. Exercise your authority in Christ and when you have done all to stand, stand therefore, having put on all the armor of God securely. Keep declaring and decreeing the word of God in Jesus’ Name.

Stay sober and keep steadfastly praying for one another Bride of Christ and let us not forget that the last part of John 10:10 is that the Lord has come that we may have life and life to the fullest! We Win!


Does this resonate with you at all? Would love to see your comments below.

Under His Wings, Sybella

Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

13 Responses

  1. Sybella

    Thank you so much Cindy! That is so kind of you! God bless you!

  2. Cindy

    Thank you, Sybella! God uses you beautifully to remind us of His love. You are truly blessed.

  3. raymond rimple

    Hi My Sister, I pray for you phone and computer to be restored in the mighty name of jesus.Please note that we are praying for you. from your Brother.

  4. Sybella Owens

    HI my Beloved Sister CL, wonderful to hear from you as well! He really is our all in all isn’t He? We are nothing without Him. Such amazing grace and love and so much more. When I think about the Lord and mediate on His Word I cannot help but be in awe and humbled by His Absolute Perfect Love and Goodness. Thank you for your faithful prayers Sister. We stand together in Him and thank you for being here and all that you do for His Kingdom.

  5. Sybella Owens

    Hi Avril, good to see you. Glad to hear of the Holy Spirit confirmation. Hallelujah, He is so good to us! God bless you as well!

  6. Sybella Owens

    Hallelujah Sister Marchita! Amen! What a kind and gracious comment, you have blessed my heart immensely sharing this, thank you! God bless you MORE dear Sister!

  7. Sybella Owens

    Dr. Wakhungu, I am SO sorry to hear of your loss of your beloved wife and mother all in the same month. It truly is amazing what the Lord can bring us through and how we are nothing without Him. How people in the world today are living without Jesus is astounding, but most don’t know or understand that there is a true Living Hope in Jesus and that He is our very Life! May the Lord comfort and strengthen you as you walk through the process of this loss and may He restore to you 1000x over to His glory in Jesus Mighty Name Amen

  8. Sybella Owens

    Amen Sister Sheila! Our God is Good all the time! God bless you more Sister!

  9. Sheila Victor

    Hallelujah Amen.. Praise God.. yes my precious sis.. I can also resonate but I thank my Jesus He lifted me.. all Glory to our King of kings ..thank you beloved for sharing with us.. God Bless you always

  10. Dr Tobias S.Wakhungu

    The year started well. My wife, Hellen, and I were optimistic of the things God was doing!
    I remember Hellen telling me that “God is going to bless our ministry and family”!
    On 14th January 2018, shortly after exhorting the Church, my wife of 24 years dropped and died in our church. She is a mother of our three children.
    On 2nd February 2018, my mother, Susan too died!
    I wonder how I would have coped without God after I lost my two precious people within one month!
    I praise the Lord because I know the He has good plans for me and my ministry. The fact that I don’t understand what He is doing does not mean that He is doing nothing.

  11. Marchita Bushong

    To God the glory!!! This is exactly the kind of teaching I have been searching for….It is right teaching. The Word should be written on our hearts…we need this more in the body of Christ. Ever since I have found you and heard you teach…my spirit leaped…I knew you in the spirit…God bless you dear Sybella.

  12. Avril

    Love what you say. Sooo confirms what has been on my heart Blessings xxx

  13. CL Mareydt

    Glory & honor to our Lord Jesus Christ! Am SO blessed by your words & your ignited exhortation! This too resonates with me & now seeing how faithful & powerful our Lord is in our mist. Love hearing from you & will be ‘chewing’ on the meat of this word. Thanks again Sybella for your constant empowered devotion to Christ & your love expressed to His Remnant. Shalom

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