Wars and Rumors of Wars – Urgent Prophetic Word

posted in: Prophetic Words 0

I wanted to share with you the second prophetic word I received on October 22, 2023. I received this word after having a strong encounter with the power of God in my living room. I felt several shifts like a recalibrating and sensed strongly that the Lord wanted the prophetic community to shift and be prepared … Read More

One Way To Know if God Has Your Heart

posted in: teaching 4

It has been quite awhile since I have been on my blog and social media. In fact, those of you that know me, are familiar with at least two or three times, that the Lord has pulled me away completely off of social media for significant periods of time. In transparency, I admit that at these … Read More

Proper Foundations and Standards

posted in: teaching 0

FOUNDATIONS AND STANDARDS God has appointed His Body to tear down, uproot and destroy the wrong (evil) foundation, in order to replace it (build and plant) with the correct foundation built on Christ Jesus and godly principles (Jeremiah 1:10). This principle applies to worldly systems, including any worldly systems that have infiltrated the Body of Christ … Read More

Release the Lord’s Battle Cry In You

posted in: Encouragement 2

Be ready to release the battle cry that the Lord is placing within you. The Holy Spirit I believe is going to begin to stir this “battle cry” up within many of you. It may come forth while you are praying in tongues, or praising and worshipping. It may come forth in a loud shout like … Read More

The Least of These – Prophetic Word

posted in: Prophetic Words 0

The Lord gave me this Word in April of this year. I actually meant to post it sooner. I believe it actually has the potential to reach and encourage many in this difficult hour we find ourselves in. Be blessed. THE LEAST OF THESE Yes, those who are called “least.” Those who are called “useless,” “worthless,” … Read More

Exposing, Justice and Opportunity

posted in: Prophetic Words 6

There is a lot going on in the world right now and in the United States of America. There is a lot going on behind the scenes, both in the spirit, and in the natural. John 10:10 is clear that it is the devil that comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but that Jesus came so … Read More

Focus on Faith not Fear – Declarations

posted in: Prayers and Decrees 0

The enemy is working overtime to paralyze people with fear and panic, have you noticed? So let’s do our part now and keep our eyes on Jesus and make some declarations and decrees of the Truth today in Jesus Name! I want to encourage you to keep coming back to this post even daily or print … Read More

JESUS – The True Master of Love

posted in: Encouragement 0

It’s no accident that you find yourself reading this right now. Do you know that God pursues you daily? That’s how much He loves you and wants you to know His love for you. No one can love you like the King and Master of Love Himself, Jesus Christ. While the world tells you that you … Read More

Checkmate, You Win!

posted in: Prayers and Decrees 16

A Fresh Fire word for you today, short, but powerful. Be encouraged in Jesus’ Name Amen! You’re about to have a checkmate on the devil! You win! God has set up a table before your enemies to watch as you win, as you go forward with flying colors, in boldness and peace knowing who you are … Read More

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