What if? A Child’s Perspective of God

posted in: Encouragement 2

A child’s perspective What if… Out of the mouth of babes…Matthew 21:16 Hello God’s Beloved! Tonight, the Lord put on my heart to do a short story. He highlighted certain words that I made in bold. If it blesses you would you consider sharing it to bless others? Thank you. A child sits down by the … Read More

It’s About Our Heart Condition – Part One

I was at one of our church’s revival meetings the other night. We are praying for revival for our local church, the region, and the nation. As we were worshiping God in unity, the Holy Spirit began moving, and people began to have visions, impressions, and words inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. There is … Read More

How to Discern and Test the spirit

posted in: teaching 6

Never put man’s opinion above God’s Truth. Sounds obvious, right? As I was prayerfully writing this post, I found myself writing about the confusion that can happen with us as Christians today because our Perfect God, in His amazing grace, has chosen to work and speak through imperfect man by His Holy Spirit. It seems more … Read More

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