Checkmate You Win by Sybella Owens

Checkmate, You Win!

posted in: Prayers and Decrees 16

A Fresh Fire word for you today, short, but powerful. Be encouraged in Jesus’ Name Amen!

You’re about to have a checkmate on the devil! You win! God has set up a table before your enemies to watch as you win, as you go forward with flying colors, in boldness and peace knowing who you are and Who’s you are!

You have entered a new level, a new realm, where you know you are the King’s Kid, not in arrogance but, in quiet Christ confidence and trust.

Some of you are about to plop yourself right down in the midst of things that in the previous season, really pushed your buttons, even pushed you over the edge, but this time, you will sit, owning who God has made you be, knowing the devil can make all the noise he wants, but the truth remains, that he is the liar and the Lord, Your Lord, is Truth.

Declare and decree with me that the devil cannot touch you! You know this, why? Because Lord, You say, You are with me, and Your rod and staff, they comfort me, so I will not be afraid.

Your Word says, Father, that, surely, not maybe, SURELY, Your goodness and Your grace, shall pursue me, and overtake me, all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord, forever and ever.

I agree with You Father, in Jesus Name, I take You at Your Word! Hallelujah!

Give a shout of victorious praise to the Lord! He has done it! And you are allowing Him to mold you and bring peace to new places in your soul.

It’s not over, you have just begun, but now, you are coming from the place of victory that is already yours and what a difference this makes! Glory to God!

Psalm 23:5-6 (NKJV)

5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.

Do you witness to this? If you do, leave a comment that you say, yes to the Lord and receive it in Jesus’ Name! Amen!

In His Love,

Sybella Owens

Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

16 Responses

  1. Sybella

    Amen Sis Gail! So good to see you here!

  2. Sybella

    Hi Joell! Thank you for sharing! You actually answered your own question ? You want to ask the Lord which I will agree with you for: Father God in Jesus Name we ask Lord what You want Joell to know about this prophecy and what about the encounter. Lord I join Joell in agreement with asking You for Your interpretation to Joell in Jesus Name. Father I pray that You would bring the right people around Joell and help in training and coming alongside if need be in Jesus Name. Protect Joell and give Joell clear discernment and clarity, Your wisdom Lord in Jesus Name. What is the next step if any for Joell? We thank You Father God for bringing absolute clarity to Joell for this in Jesus Name Amen

    Joell if you want check out my Pastor’s FREE supernatural training institute on the Bible. I believe it will be helpful to you and allow you to ask him questions etc. you can see my links on my YouTube channel which I’m so happy you found, glory to God!

    You will videos I just put up recently in the supernatural training institute with Thomas C Terry. He is truly excellent and the real deal. Excellent teacher and has the Fathers heart I believe for equipping others in the Body of Christ.

  3. Joell

    Yes Amen! I receive this Word from our Mighty Mighty God !
    Thank you Sybella I just found you on YouTube and listened to you today re your dream about the Army and remnants Arise! A woman Gave me a prophetic word at church from God who said he was armoring me up and she saw him placing helmet on me and other armor . I am 60 years old this year. 6mos Before My prophetic armoring me up prophesy I had a dream I was carrying several arrows but although in dream I was wearing wearing a beautiful ivory linen quiver I was holding and struggling to carry all the arrows,some almost falling out of my hands and then a voice in my dream (angel?) said “You will have an encounter” ??? Can you help me and pray about this dream that God will give understanding so I can understand the meaning and purpose of this dream
    My email or call me 8584425041 thank you Sybella God Bless you ??❤️
    Joëll (San Diego CA)

  4. Gail

    Yes and Amen!

  5. Sybella

    Amen Sis Sheila!

  6. Sybella

    Hi Dear Sis CL! So wonderful to see you here again! I’m so glad you were encouraged in the Lord!

  7. Sybella

    Hallelujah Sis Noemi!

  8. Sybella

    Amen Harold! Hallelujah!

  9. Sybella

    Wow, that’s amazing Sis Kimberly! I am so thankful constantly for the way the Lord communicates with us and reveals the Truth like that. I praise Him with you for all He us doing and will do in our lives in Jesus Name! Great to see you!

  10. Sybella

    Hallelujah Sis! Great to see you Sheila!

  11. Kimberly

    I say Yes and Amen to the Lord. Psalm 23 has been highlighted for the last few years on a daily basis. God is revealing areas in my soul that have held me captive to negative thoughts. He has and still is unfolding the revelation that I am His kid which opens up all kinds of possiblity as I now understand He treats me just like He treats Jesus. Last night I had 2 dreams where the enemy had set up house in my soul. I gave him his eviction notice immediately. It’s a new day and I appreciate the confirmation through your newsletter.

    Thank you ??

  12. Sheila Victor

    Yes Hallelujah Amen Praise God.. I receive this Powerful message in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ ?

  13. Sheila Victor

    Yes Hallelujah Amen Praise God.. I receive this Powerful message in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ

  14. Harold Kirk Richardson

    I say YES to the LORD and I receive this Word of the LORD for my life! Amen!!!

  15. Noemi b k


  16. CL Mareydt

    Amen … quick powerful word … TY … needed to hear that!

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