Prophetic Word: Come Me & be replenished

Come to Me and be replenished

Hi my beloved brothers and sisters, I have been waiting on the Lord when to release some of the other prophetic and rhema words the Holy Spirit downloaded for us, starting with the Pioneer words. I felt the prompting got share some more today. This is a powerful encouraging word.

Those of you that are sighing and dying inside, verily I say unto you, DON’T GIVE UP on Me, your God, who loves you abundantly, even to the POINT OF DEATH on a cross on YOUR behalf. You have been crying out to Me from a dusty dry desert land, because you are parched and thirsty for the more of Me.  As a deer pants by the water so your soul pants for Me says the Lord (Psalm 42:1).

REALIZE My loving arms are OPEN WIDE to you. COME and Drink deeply  from My fountains of Love.

They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light. Oh, continue your steadfast love to those who know you, and your righteousness to the upright of heart! (Psalm 36:8-10)

Come away with Me child, that I may have time with you in the secret place and REPLENISH  you My Beloved. Intimate time with Me is the solution. COME.

My beloved spoke, and said to me:“Rise up, my love, my fair one, And come away. (Songs of Solomon).

Does this resonate with you at all? I would love to hear your comments below.

God bless you. Always in His Love and grace, walking With you, your sis Sybella Owens

Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

6 Responses

  1. Welcome dear sister Edith! Great to see you! Thank you so very much. I just joined Facebook a week ago and would love to connect with you on there as well. Thank you for your prayers and I pray them for you as well in Jesus’ Name amen! Have Your way Abba Father! Please contact me any time my dear sister in the Lord, hope you stop by again. Much love in the Name of Jesus!

  2. Edith

    This is beautiful, Sybella! I just came to your profile for something else and found you run a blog. That’s wonderful and this word is so encouraging, I’ll share on my social media accounts, esp Facebook and Twitter, and if possible Pinterest too. God bless and prosper your ministry abundantly in Jesus’ name.

  3. I will keep you in prayer my dear sister Kelly. I know that can be so difficult to feel like that. I find that very few people (if any) like going through tough times. I also believe that we can sometimes have a hard time discerning what is just an attack against us or something we may need to grow in. I find what helps me and I hope it may help you is to remember the character of our Father. He is Love. He is Light. In Him there is no darkness at all. John 10:10 is also good: it’s the thief that comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that you may have life to the fullest. Lastly I want to encourage you that we are saved by grace not by works so no man can boast. I am not saying that you are trying to work your way to the blessing, I just want touch on that reminder for us all, as we can all at times feel like you mentioned, like we are doing all the right things. Sometimes we slip into law and earning, other times it is a matter of the enemy attacking us for the very reason that we are doing the right thing! Hang in there sis, I’m praying for you! It is always a blessing when you come by and to hear from you. I love you!

  4. Kelly Sellers

    Glory be to God. Thank you my sister in Christ for this post. I am trying my best not to give up. But there are times that I feel defeated and like I am not doing enough. I tithe I give love offering. Bless strangers extra but it feels like my prayers go unanswered. Keep me in prayer beloved sister

  5. Amen my dear sister CL, glory to our Wonder Faithful Father. You are so right about our “alone times” with the Lord. It is so crucial. In this day and age of social media, activities and mayhem around us we have to make sure more then ever that we make time to be with the Lord. Thank God for His replenishment that is so needed continually.

    Much love to you my precious sister, thank you fro taking the time to stop by and comment. I am always so blessed by you!

  6. CL Mareydt

    Amen. It is only in those ‘alone times’ with Christ … in our prayers … sharing our cares, our love, our hopes, our desires … that we can find a piece of heaven on this earth. Christ alone gives us the substance of His strength & we car arise from our prayers & see life clearer, brighter, & full … because He is with us. Only Christ can replenish our souls.

    TY always for your Rhema words that do resonate within our hearts … because of His Spirit uniting us all together in the wonders of His truth. Peace & Love to you Sybella!

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