August: Come Out of Hiding, Freedom, Promise Land

Come Out of Hiding, Freedom, Promise Land

posted in: Prophetic Words 10

Hello Beautiful Bride of Christ, the Lord insisted I go on Facebook live last night at about 10:30 or 11 pm EST with this message to share with you and to be able to pray over you. I encourage you to go over and check that message HERE as it was live and the anointing was quite strong. If by the time you read this you cannot find it on my profile page you can see it shared onto my Facebook ministry Page HERE.

I always interact during and after my live broadcasts. I will interact with you in the rebroadcast as well so please be sure to leave comments and any questions. Please receive the prayers from the video! Ok, here is the word written out today after the live video. I broke it down into a few sections. This is a freedom word and deliverance word! Oh prepare your hearts to receive this, glory to God!



Those who have been locked behind closed doors, buried in the caves, locked in cages, muzzled, unable to speak, those wrapped up in the tomb, like Lazarus, the Lord says to you, come forth now! Come out of the wilderness! It is time to come out! Come out! Come out and speak!

Come out of the caves and shackles and know that I have made a way for you! Yes, I have made a way! I am the Waymaker says God! I am and have made a Way for you, now walk in it. Come on, start to walk, take a step, keep going, keep going! I take the shackles off you! I take off the muzzle and tape over your mouth, breathe, and now speak, speak, speak! I say speak what I am telling you! Speak what I am sharing with you! Write it down, speak it out, you are to no longer be silent! I need you to play your role! You are part of the Body! Stop withholding what I have been showing you!


Lazarus come forth! From the north, south, east and west! Those of you that have been trapped and lost in the wilderness, those of you who have set backs and demonic derailment, those of you who have lost your way, those of you have had your eyes blinded by the enemies attacks.

I need you to know that those attacks were not of Me says, Your Father! No they were not! I need to break you out of that mindset, I need to give you fresh eyes and expectations! Remind you of Who I am because some of you have been confused, some of you think it was Me making your life unbearably painful, or letting you be sick, withholding my love and blessing. No,  that what not Me! I do not withhold My love from you! I don’t withhold what my Son Jesus died to give you!

So let the truth bring you clarity and stir you up to break forth to come out. Don’t let the devil convince you that you are still in training decades later! You have been trained already and he is the one who has derailed you! He has delayed you! You have been satanically blocked and delayed. I have come to set you free! You are called! You are chosen! Break free!

I am the One who loves you! I am the One who Saves you! I am the One who rescues you! I am the One who called you! I am the One who died for you! I am the One who brings you up and out of the miry muck! I am the One who is for you! I am the One who calls you back from death to life again that you may walk out the call I have placed in you. Oh, that the seeds I have planted in you will be birthed, will be able to come forth, says the Lord. I have come to bring you freedom!


Still some of you have been CHOOSING to hide. It’s time to for you to come out now as well! It’s time to forgive them, forgive those who muzzled you, forgive those who would not honor Christ in you, forgive and don’t let them stop you anymore. Fear, hurt and people pleasing are no longer to be your master. Excuses are to no longer be your master.

Speak up, share in obedience. If they don’t let you speak, then write and give it to them, but give to your leaders, give to people you trust, give it to wise counsel around you, post it in a groups who can weigh it but, STOP WITHHOLDING it.

I say today, I am vindicating you, your day of reckoning is here!  I am pouring out my grace upon you!  I forgive you for your hiding like Gideon, now, rise up and agree with Me, because I say you are men and women of valor! That is how I see you. I have crowned you! You are My masterpiece! You are part of My army! You are also my mouthpieces!


So come forth! Come forth! I am breaking you out, break forth! Break though the mental barriers! You are no longer to be set back anymore! Agree with Me. Take My hand.  I am calling you out of the wilderness and into the promise land. Yes, I have called you to walk in the promise land! To walk in a place where there are RIVERS of milk and honey, not mere drops!

I have made a place for you in heaven, but I have ALSO made a place for you in earth while you are here, to walk in the promised land! I need you to have a Joshua and Caleb attitude. You are not grasshoppers. Stop agreeing with those voices calling you grasshoppers. I have given you the land! Now come forth, go possess it, occupy it and don’t let the enemy take it back!

Does this resonate with you? I would love to hear your comments! Have you been in hiding? Do you feel like you have not been able to speak? God is here to bring you freedom!

In His Love, Grace and Service, your sis in Christ, Sybella Owens

Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

10 Responses

  1. Sybella Owens

    Hi Sophie! The great thing about the Lord (among many) is His ability to restore and redeem the time back to us. If you believe this word is for you but that you missed it, I would bring it back to God and asked Him. He will show you! He may have you wait in order to rearrange some things for you behind the scenes or He may say go and press on. Holy Spiirt will show you when you ask in Jesus Name amen! I look forward to the praise report! 🙂

  2. Sophie Tyrrell

    Hi started to read and take note way back in Aug but didn’t do anything about it but now God is bringing back this word for me. Is it too late or should I press on with it. This word was spot on for me. By faith I receive it.

  3. Sybella Owens

    Hallelujah Alva! So great to see you here & I am so happy to hear you are being blessed in the Lord and witness to what God is saying by His Holy Spirit through me! Glory to God! Thank you as well and I hope to see you again soon. God bless you 🙂

  4. Alva

    I believed your words from God…it encourages me to step in the the next level where Hod is call ling me to do…thank my my really hear God.

  5. Sybella Owens

    Hallelujah S, Banks! I am overjoyed and praising God with you that His word ministered to you. Yes! He is SO good and faithful to lead us where we need to go! This Word coming out has been SO strong on Father’s heart. I don’t know if you saw my YouTube video or Facebook Live video where I prayed over people on this. You may want to check that out too! God bless you!

  6. S. Banks

    God bless you for your obedience to release such a powerful rhema word. Wow, it just really ministered to the place I am at. I am soo encouraged to come out of hiding. God has an amazing way to lead you to the right message. Amen! Keep doing what you do.

  7. Sybella Owens

    Hallelujah God’s Beloved Sheila! He had me do a Facebook live video on this the other night as well, it is very strong on His heart! God bless you & keep you as well always in Jesus’ Mighty Matchless Name amen

  8. Sheila

    Thank you for sharing beloved sis…it’s an awesome Word from our Lord …God Bless and keep you always

  9. Sybella Owens

    Hallelujah Dear Brother Felix! Glory to God! Thank you as well! God bless you my friend!

  10. Evangelist Felix

    Keep on keeping on !
    Thank you for sharing, and Greetings from One Billion Souls for Jesus.

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