Get Ready for My Avalanche - Prophetic Word with Instructions

Get Ready for My Avalanche – Prophetic Word with Instructions

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Hi, my brothers and sisters in Christ. Some of you may know I have been writing a book in this season. Glory to God! We are in sobering, exciting, and radical times.

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Recently, I got back-to-back prophetic words, starting with an urgent warning for the Body of Christ, which you can read here. I wanted to share this on my blog for those who may not be on Facebook.

This is the first Prophetic word with instructions for the Body of Christ. I received it on October 17, 2023.


Tell My people to be prepared for what is coming – an avalanche of My love – an avalanche of My glory – an avalanche of My grace – an avalanche of darkness to crush the enemies of Almighty God.

You will not be buried in this avalanche as you press into Me as chicks run to her mother to take refuge under her wings (Psalm 91:2-4). I am Your Protector, and while things may look and feel and even be chaotic all around you – get it down in your spirit that:

A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you (Psalm 91:7).

Do you believe this? It is IMPERATIVE that you believe Me and My Word.

Don’t give in. Don’t give in to fear. Don’t give in to blackmail (of any kind). Don’t give into destructive manipulation. Don’t give into lies, or the smoke and mirrors that want to convince you that you have lost or cannot win.


I say to you AGAIN (referring to the prophetic word “Remnant arise” a few years ago – see my YouTube channel here) My Remnant arise – My Remnant arise – My Remnant arise.

Feed on My Word. Live in My Presence – Live in My Truth – for your identity is in Me.

Don’t believe the lies you are being shown (in certain reports). Don’t fall for the same old tactics. Open your spiritual eyes wide and realize the last alarm bells are ringing. Take cover under My wings (Psalm 91:4). Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10).


You are in a war, but it’s not as it may seem. You are in a war of epic proportions, but it is not as it is being presented to you. The truth is you win. I have already secured the victory, so believe it and walk in it. The manifest glory will be upon you more and more. Yes, the loaves and two fishes will be multiplied in your own hands as you believe (Matthew 13:14-21). The nations will see My glory in unprecedented ways.

It didn’t have to come to this but I have been left no choice – I am speaking to your enemies. I will not desert My people. No. I will stand on their behalf with them.

I then saw an image of God being a fire wall of protection around Israel, which quickly changed to the United States of America. And I heard Zechariah 2:5I will be a wall of fire around you and the glory within you.

Agree with My Word. Believe it. Declare it. Decree it, and so it shall be established.

Your enemies want to sift you like wheat and ultimately destroy your very foundations; oh, United States, but I have already said, and I say again, America the Beautiful, God’s grace is shed on thee. You are called by Me. Though the foundations while contaminated by some (by enemies of God from the beginning of America’s birth), a remnant (still) made a covenant with Me (I saw an image of the Mayflower compact), dedicating the USA to Me and I will uphold my covenant and pact!

“For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed,” says the Lord, who has compassion on you (Isaiah 54:10).


Stand and do all to stand (Ephesians 6) – for they have wanted to destroy you – every last one – but they will not have what they want to the EXTENT they want it. My Word says, Church, that you will DECREE a thing, and it shall be established (Job 22:28).

DECREE that your enemies (of Almighty God) fail.

Decree that they fall and that no weapon that is formed against you and the United States of America shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).

The imploding from within (the USA) has been plotted and planned, but the plans shall fail (or be lessened – only) AT YOUR DECREE.

So, DECREE it OVER and OVER no matter what smoke and mirrors are going on.

DECREE IT, and the enemy shall not prevail (to the extent they want, which is the utter annihilation of all).

For surely they shall gather together against you but they shall fall because of you, says the Lord of Hosts (Isaiah 54:15).


Angels are charge to guard you in all your ways (Psalm 91:1). DECREE and give the angel armies things to do – for they have been released to go forth at your command of My inspired Word, they shall go forth and do My bidding (Psalm 103:20-21).

More and more visions, dreams, signs, and wonders are coming – “to a theatre near you,” you like to say in jest (the Lord was talking to me personally). However, a ‘theatre’ is going on all around you, My children, a masquerade ball of an unprecedented kind. Yet you will see them all unmasked. You will see the masquerade promptly end as I, the Lord, come in with My rescue mission.


However, do not mistake this as you doing nothing. (You must) PARTNER with Me. DECREE by Me and watch My Word, which is sharper than any two-edged sword. Slice and dice the prophets of Baal’s destruction that is set in place and decreed (by them). For YOUR DECREES FAR OUTWEIGH the witches and warlocks and all those who hate you, My people, and even the United States of America.

For there is a reason they want you – UNITED States of America to be divided.

DECREE the UNITED states of America WILL NOT be divided! Those who want your demise shall fall by the sword of My Spirit, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17).

Decree a thing, and it shall be established!
Decree a thing, and it shall be established!
Decree a thing, and it shall be established!

My Remnant, arise and shine for your light has come, and My glory shall be shone upon you and through you (Isaiah 60:1).

Get ready.

Be prepared for the avalanche.


My Comments

I want to highlight some important things in this prophetic word because it contains some conditions from God. The Lord uses some strong words here.

  1. He tells us that it is IMPERATIVE that we believe in Him and His Word. This includes not only the inspired prophetic words but also His precious promises found in the Bible.
  2. He encourages and commands us: “Don’t give in. Don’t give in to fear. Don’t give in to blackmail (of any kind). Don’t give into destructive manipulation. Don’t give into lies or the smoke and mirrors that want to convince you that you have lost or cannot win.”
  3. He refers to the specific, detailed prophetic word He gave me a few years ago, which He titled “Remnant Arise.” I encourage you to listen to this word again on my YouTube channel because you will see and hear that it is filled with instructions and details about how to prepare, especially as leaders.
  4. He tells us that things are not as they seem, points us back to His Word, and tells us that we have victory in Christ despite how bad it may get at times.
  5. One of the things that really stood out to me about this word is that He spoke about the importance of us as the Body DECREEING HIS WORD. He said, “THEY WILL FALL ONLY AT YOUR DECREE.” This is crucial for us to understand as New Testament believers. We need to cooperate with God and have faith. We must obey and decree His Word as the Holy Spirit leads us with bold faith.
  6. He emphasizes partnership and ends with more emphasis on decrees.
  7. This prophetic word is an instruction of the Lord.

There are clear instructions and conditions in this prophetic word. This is something that much of the Body of Christ has failed to understand in the last four years about New Testament prophecy. Many have not been taught properly or understood that New Testament prophecy differs from Old Testament prophecy (yes, things changed with Jesus)! Apostle Paul tells Timothy that he must wage the good warfare with the prophetic words spoken over him. If they were automatically going to come to pass as some like to claim, then he would not have given those instructions to his spiritual son Timothy, who was also a leader. Everything in Christ is received through grace by faith. As born-again believers with the Holy Spirit now indwelling us, we are responsible for testing the word (1 John 4:1), agreeing with it (Matt 18:19), waging war with it (1 Tim. 1:18), and not allowing the devil to steal it (Luke 8:12, John 10:10). We must obey and decree it as so in the Name of Jesus and in our authority. God will not force us or dishonor our free will choice.

It is important now more than ever that we are in radical prayer.

In His Service,
Sybella Owens

Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

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