Church: It’s About Our Heart Condition – Part Two

It’s About Our Heart Condition – Part Two

posted in: Heart / Revival, teaching 2

The Lord showed me our heart transformation has to start with each of us individually and then as a church family. He said that we need to deal with our own heart condition (inward), not just go outward to the world and ignore the inner work that is still needed within each of us. Many churches have been getting this backward, and the results are many people are not coming to know Jesus or are being “technically” saved yet not becoming disciples or rooted in Christ. Due to this, many end up falling away. This is serious.

Too often, those of us who are church leaders have not wanted to, or not known how to, deal with our own congregation’s or groups’ (inward) heart issues (starting with us and the leaders), which is how God works (Psalm 133). Many of us have sadly turned away from admitting, facing, and dealing with these issues and bringing them to the Lord for help. Our congregation and groups often focus on going outward by doing “the great commission” command (found here in Mark 16:15-16) and don’t deal with the inward issues of the heart because, as leaders, we often are not modeling and teaching the importance of our heart and having a prosperous soul.

The Lord revealed that we may feel “good” about ourselves based on outward works, but many are ignoring the inner works that have to do with the other command Jesus gave us about loving one another as He has loved us. In John 13:34-35 Jesus says,

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this, all will know that you are My disciples if you have love for one another.”(emphasis mine)

When we go out into the world to “do” the “great commission” and make disciples, how will they know we are of Jesus and want to become disciples? What will differentiate us from all other offers, making Jesus attractive? According to Jesus, “By this, all will know that you are My disciples if you have a love for one another.”  These commands go together.

Jerusalem Analogy

The Lord showed me the following analogy. Jerusalem represents us and our family, which is the church. We are the family of God which is a picture of the inward work). We are supposed to begin our work and sanctification process within. It is only after we take responsibility for ourselves with the help of the Holy Spirit that we become strong and healthy enough to go out into the surrounding communities and be of true service to them. From there, we can spread into the region and finally go into the world (outward). This is a process that has to do with maturity. It involves many layers that need to occur on our walk in Christ. It starts first with each of us and our own (inward) family, which is the family of God (1 Peter 4:17).

The Lord showed me that many believers are more willing to do the outward work rather than deal with the inward work. While going out is good and also what we are called to do, it is not the fullness of what God wants; it’s not as powerful or sustaining. This is because the foundation is not being laid properly. We need a healthy foundation in Christ. Apostle Paul talked about how prayed we would be rooted and established in the love of God. That is because God is love and it is His love that is the witness.

I would submit to you that God is after an inward heart work and that this is what is sustaining. This is the foundation we need to build upon. We must not forget that according to the Bible:

“We love because He first loved us (1 John 4:19).”

It is scriptural. That is why, according to scripture, if we forget His love for us, we will not be able to love, at least not in His love, which is the only kind of love capable of a true inward change. It’s only God’s agape love that is the witness, not what we label love, which is based on our conditions and moods.

We may be able to go out and talk about Jesus, but if we are not walking in authentic love with each other in the Church first, then we have missed it and are in disobedience. Lord Jesus would not have commanded us to do it unless it mattered. When new converts come to get discipled they will be able to tell if we are not genuinely walking in love with one another. If it is fake, they will be turned off and even possibly walk away from God.

 What do you think?

Has this been a struggle that you have with yourself or in church? To read part one of this series please click here.



Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

2 Responses

  1. Thank you so much Yvonne for your beautiful words of encouragement and wonderful prayer! I agree in the Mighty Name of Jesus and thank you so much for that blessing! I’m also so glad to hear inspiring and down to earth, thank You Lord, that is my desire. To speak the Truth of the Lord, yet inspire, encourage and keep it real. So that my dear sister is an answer to prayer as well. Thank You Jesus.
    May God bless you and pour out His abundant favor, blessings and continued revelations of His Word and may you continue to walk in the anointing of the Lord knowing that He gives His angels charge concerning you to guard you in all of your ways and smiles His face upon you, may He pour out more then you can ask think or imagine in the name of Jesus Christ I pray amen! Please stop by any time 🙂

  2. Yvonne

    What a beautiful blog! So inspiring and so down to earth real – your words resonate! 🙂

    May Our Heavenly Father God Yahweh Jehovah continue to bless your work in sharing inspiring words to all who have a hearing word so that we can be able ministers of the Truth and help in the work set before us, helping prepare the world of mankind for the coming 1000 year Messianic Age to come soon when the 144,000 shall finally be the completed bride of Christ and ready to reign with Christ a 1000 years bringing all be righteous and do what is righteous so that GOD Jehovah can be All in All.

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