July-September 2017 Prophetic Word: Kingdom Directives

July-September 2017 Prophetic Word: Kingdom Directives

posted in: Prophetic Words 18

Hi My Beloved brothers and sisters! The Lord has a powerful word on Kingdom Directives for you! This is packed full of strategy and important things for the next three months! Hear is what I heard the Lord say when I was fasting and praying.

This is a Season of Kingdom Directives

I am handing out My Kingdom directives says the Lord. Seek Me First, as this is a pivotal month for divine alignments & assignments says God. Those of you who have lept or about to leap keep coming to Me for My seasonal directives. There will be some rapid fire from the enemy that may catch you by surprise so that is why I am telling you in advance, so you will be armored up.

Put on the full armor of God, stand in unity in My Spirit with one another in prayer, for again I say this is a pivotal next two months of increase, rest, replenishment, refueling, shifting, strategy & Kingdom directives.

This is destiny in the works, meaning: the directives you get will determine for many, their divine destiny, so pay attention. Seek Me First above all things, pray in all things and recognize all that seems good is not. All opportunities are not from Me or may be less then what I have intended for you at this time.

This is not business as usual, meaning: remember that I am doing a new thing. New exploits, new dimensions, new depths, pioneering, breaking many of you out of the mold you have been in, like a crab sheds his crab shell and then gets another. This is a time to let go and step out of the old and step into the new.

I’m not saying that the old things you have learned will not be useful to you, however let go off the baggage and let Me give you new glasses and filters for you to look through. Even the old things, the old lessons will be turned into new deeper lessons, if you allow Me to adjust your spiritual sight and lenses.

I want to expand your mind and horizons. I am moving your tent pegs from east to west, north to south, that you may walk into the promise land that I have for you. In order to do so, you need to see what I am giving you, so you can then see what and where to step into.

I am adjusting your lenses. I am about to catapult some of you into higher heights then you can even possibly think or imagine.

These next two months and especially the ladder half of this month of July, the 7th month of freedom marked by Independence day in the USA, I am setting you up, preparing you, fine tuning you, replenishing you and also giving clarity to those who ask for it.

August the eighth month of new beginnings will be another divine shift of double new. I am wanting to establish you in the new things in the new month, new plans and assignments, new directives, and put new blueprints in your hands.

September, the ninth month of birthing will bring forth a fresh new wave of birth pains and more birthing of new things, new ministries and more new shifts. More of you will feel the pangs of childbirth as you also now birth forth your destinies and new things.

Midwives continue as I have called you forth along with My watchman. Those of you I have called to be soldiers, called to fight in the spirit, tear down strongholds, partner with the midwives and intercessors and cover the birthing going on.

Each of you have an important part to play in the Body of Christ. Come to Me for your specific kingdom directions and instructions: watchmen, intercessors, prophets & prophetic voices, teachers, etc. All of you are needed and you need each other. So come, I beckon you to receive your marching orders from your Captain the Lord of Hosts, says God.

Does this resonate with you? Are you seeing on the NEW things? Would love to hear what is going on with YOU in the comments section!

Always in His Love and Grace, walking with you, your sis in Christ, Sybella Owens


#Prophetic #Rhema #KingdomDirectives #SybellaOwensMinistries#Discernment

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The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

18 Responses

  1. Sybella Owens


  2. Jeba

    Yes and Amen. Thank you Jesus.
    Double Victory and Triple New things!
    Very eager to see!
    In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I receive these HEAVENLY TREASURES AND GIFTS , only for HIS GLORY.
    Glory to Jesus.

  3. Jeba

    Yes and Amen.
    Double Victory and Triple new things!
    In the Mighty Name of Jesus , I receive these HEAVENLY TREASURES and GIFTS , only for His Glory!
    Thank you Jesus. Hallelujah!

  4. Sybella Owens

    Welcome Lamar, glory to God! I understand! The Lord is preparing many of us & pacing us in such a way to help us walk strongly & securely in what He has called us to. Yes! I agree with you in prayer for the Lord to bring you clear direction, provision, connections and assignments to build/advance His Kingdom in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! Amen & Amen!

  5. Lamar

    Bless the LORD! Awesome blog! I have felt a holding pattern for me and my ministry but sense that September will be a time of release for me. Be in prayer for me please as God brings clear direction, provision, connections and assignments—-ready to build/advance His Kingdom!

  6. Cindy

    Hey Sybella – asking for some specific prayer if you would be so kind! Got laid off last week from my job (part-time, fortunately husband has good job). I am hearing the Lord telling me to stop going towards desk jobs (what I’m used to) sort of longing for Egypt:)) Also having to contemplate suing my former employer due to their efforts to preclude my getting back pay, any unemployment benefits, etc. Certainly want to go where the Lord leads, but definitely feeling stressed out and unsure of the next right thing. I’d appreciate your prayers! They are so powerful and anointed, and will bring me a lot of comfort. thanks!

  7. Sybella Owens

    Hi Cindy! I am so happy to hear that the Lord has been able to bring some calm, settling & after prayer. Praise God! I understand about discernment and sensitivity etc LOL. The gifts of discerning of spirits is perhaps one of the top gifts that people need the most training in, especially if you are a feeler and all your senses are really in tune with the spirit, thus the environment around you as well. You can truly discern and “feel” the shifts and intensity.

    Amen that He will never let you face anything alone, He is Faithful and brings u through and that in and of itself brings peace that surpasses all understanding in the midst of transition or difficult times. Trust is a challenge 🙂 Often that is how it develops in midst of uncertainty. God bless you too my sister and I’m about to do a video soon!

  8. Cindy

    Hey Sybella – it certainly was exactly on-point prayer for me!! Great analogy about the wineskins – how appropriate! Your prayers are so helpful and I thank you again for your wonderful response. Definitely the Holy Spirit is using you mightily in our lives! The shifts and changes I feel in my spirit (I guess it’s a mixed blessing to have that particular “vibe” discernment), and I was feeling anxious and unprepared. Your prayers have given me a more settled feeling; He will never let me face anything alone….trust has been a challenge since my first reaction is so often out of my own strength, and not waiting and expecting the Lord to lead, provide and direct. God bless you, and looking forward to your next video!

  9. Sybella Owens

    Hi Lele! Welcome! So great to have you here at my blog as well. I am also thrilled to hear that you are being blessed in the Lord by my new YouTube ministry channel. I am doing that in total obedience 🙂 That is awesome about your childlike faith for the Lord to provide your house for you. I most definitely will stand in agreement with you on that in Jesus’ Name amen. He is our Provider, willing and able! Hallelujah! The scripture that comes to mind is from Ephesians 3:20 AMP Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us…Thank you so much Lele for your blessings over my ministry & I as well, I deeply appreciate that. May God bless you too in according with Ephesians 3:20 in Jesus’ Mighty Matchless Name amen and amen! Please keep me posted 🙂

  10. Sybella Owens

    Hi Cindy! Welcome! So great to see you here. I am so blessed to hear that the Lord led you to my YouTube channel and you were encouraged, praise God! He is So good to us! I understand about feeling squeezed out from the old shell LOL. It reminds me of the scripture on not being able to pour in new wine into old wineskins. I would be honored to pray for you.

    Father God in the Name of Jesus I come alongside my sister Cindy, your daughter and join her in asking You for clear directives, new opportunities from You and also replenishment. Father I ask that You would pour into Cindy fresh new fire from Your Holy throne to renew her, strengthen her and bring forth new vibrancy in her step again in Jesus’ Name. I also ask that You would make any crooked places straight, any rough places smooth and give her a clear level path before her, that she may know where, what, how and when to go in Jesus’ Name. I ask that You would protect her and give her Your discernment that she may know without a shadow of a doubt what You woudl have her do each day, step by step as she trust You Lord. I thank You for her life and ministry and also ask that You would pour in a fresh new anointing of Your shalom peace and rest, help to enter into Your rest when needed & give her the discernment to know what that looks like in practical ways in Jesus’ Name amen!

    I pray that encourages you, I want you to know I was praying what I was hearing to pray so I hope it resonates as well. Standing with you in agreement! Also one post that came to mind when I was reading your comment was on uprooting here. Maybe prayerfully look through the other posts. There has been SO many words on shifts, changes etc. You may also find the word the Lord gave me for the church for this year 2017. It is amazing how so many words this year have to do with this as well. You can find that here:

    God bless you Cindy!

  11. Cindy

    Hey Sybella, the Lord led me today to your video – what an encouragement! It was very needed; it’s been quite the desert time for me….and am ready to shed my “crab shell” (or crabby shell – since I have experienced a lot of feeling squeezed out from my old shell but not clear what the new one looks like)! I truly hope and believe the Lord for new opportunity, directives and replenishment. The “resting” part is always a tough one for me:) Would appreciate your prayers for clarity, and learning to rest and replenish. Thanks for an encouraging Word!

  12. Lele Saufoi

    Hi Sybella, my first time watching your youtube videos and encourage by them. Im claiming God’s promises for this month of August to come to pass in my life. We’re renting at the moment and the owner is selling her house, I have a child like faith and I’ve asked the Lord to buy me and my family a house because we have no money at all to be able to buy one. Could you please stand in agreement with me for our house to manifest this month, I am testing God at his word. God bless you and your ministry

  13. Sybella Owens

    Hi Tina! Great to see you here as well, you are most welcome and I am honored to be able to pursue our Abba Father together as we seek to hear what He has for us! He is such a Good Good Father! I am so happy to hear that you have been blessed by the YouTube videos and Facebook as well, glory to God! That brings me great joy to know that so thank you for telling me. God bless you Daughter of The King!

  14. Tina

    Blessings Sybella, I recently ran across your youtube prophecy video. I am encouraged by God’s prophetic word to you. I have connected with you on FB and subscribed to your youtube channel. God is training me in new areas for the past few months. I’m looking forward to hearing my Heavenly Father’s heart thru you and confirming the things seen by His spirit in my prayer time. God bless you

  15. Sybella Owens

    Amen Sis Des! So great to have you hear as well! I completely understand LOL and agree! Yes He is up to something indeed and everything has increased exponentially hasn’t it? I have fasted & prayed more then I can recall in a long time, seems almost constant the last year or so & it is just increasing!

    I am so glad you are blessed by the YouTube videos as well! I am doing all of this on obedience to the Lord, hallelujah! GREAT to have you hear Sis, I look forward to your comments & any insights the Lord may give you!

  16. Des Taylor

    I am always encouraged by your videos on YouTube and will now read your blog site! I feel the Lord is transitioning — I feel him moving things around. I am excited about the months to come! I have been told I am prophetic, a watchman and an Intercessor, so I’ve been feeling terrible mood swings as well as birthing pains and attacks like never before! God is up to something and I want to be a part of the increase, Advancement and acceleration!!! God bless you sis!!

  17. Sybella Owens

    Welcome Marethia. I am so sorry what you are reporting is going on. I will most certainty pray for you. Father God in the Name of Jesus we cover us in the blood of Jesus and come to You through the blood of Jesus. Lord we know that you are exposing things on purpose to bring them out into the light. We thank You that Your purpose for this is always with a desire that those being exposed would truly repent, be delivered, healed and restored to what Your perfect will is for them to walk in as Yo have intended. Knowing this about Your character we pray for Marethia’s Pastor and who they are having an affair with you. We pray Lord that they would truly repent and come to You, that they woudl have willing humble hearts, take full responsibility and cry out to You. we pray that You would go to the root of this and heal and repair. We also pray that You would protect Your flock who has been under the Pastor’s care who compromised. That You would protect their hearts, minds, bodies, souls and spirits. That is any evil has trickled down due to the order that You work that You would pour out Your grace and mercy. We pray You would help people to process through this shock with You and forgive so they don;t get pulled into a worse mess. Father we pray for Your supernatural shalom love and mercy to cover this flock and for You to have Your perfect pleasing will to come forth . We also pray that what the enemy has meant to destroy that You would turn it around for good and You would somehow get the glory in Jesus Name.

    We also lift up Marethia’s oldest daughter Teka Canady who has been diagnosed with a thyroid disease. We take authority over that thyroid disease that MUST bow its knee to the NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES INCLUDING THYROID DISEASE! We bind you thryoid disease, the root causes effects and agents behind it in THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS and command you to leave Teka NOW IN THE NAME ABOVE YOU DISEASE, WHICH IS JESUS CHRIST! NOW BOW! IN THE NAME OF JESUS BOW AND GET OUT AND OFF OF TEKA and don’t return. you go where the Lord Jesus Christ tells you to in Jesus’ name. We loose the Holy Spirit, health and life of Christ into and over Teka now in JESUS’ NAME. Lord i ask that you would even now tangibly pour into Teka now and pour in Your shalom peace, your healing and divine health in JESUS’ NAME AMEN.

    God bless you Marethia, please keep me updated. Much love in Christ Jesus Name.

    P.S. If you are not already the Lord just brought up Holy communion for your daughter. Joseph Prince has a great solid teaching on Holy Communion. If she is saved for her to receive it discerning the Lord’s body was broken so she would be healed. etc. If she is not then you can take it on her behalf, if you take it together even better.

  18. marethia Gholston

    This is my first time going on your blog. Please be in prayer for my church cause my pastor has been exposed in an adultery affair. An prayer for my oldest daughter Teka Canady she had being diagnosed with a thyroid disease.

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