The word of God says I’ll give you Pastor’s after my own heart. Sybella houses the very heart of God. She is truly in love with the Lord and it shows. She teaches from the word with much knowledge and great enthusiasm. She takes her time and ALLOWS THE HOLY SPIRIT to have his way. She is not here to entertain or collect or manipulate people to sell products or services. Giving is a great blessing and material created by the inspiration of God is wonderful, but motivation of heart is everything. People in whatever condition are safe in this ministry. Come sit away at the table and you’ll begin to eat and drink and find yourself regaining strength and finding hope. Revival sits on the voice of this mighty woman of God. The Lord has used her to pull me from a dark place. I give God all the praise!

Cleo Burrus – Teaching and Training, Healing and Deliverance, Prophetic Intercessio


It is my honor to recommend Sybella Owens [and Sybella Owens Ministries]. I first met Sybella at church, Gateway Christian Center, on Cape Cod, where she was a trusted leader, prayer warrior and intercessor as well as a gifted teacher.

As a leader, Sybella has both the important qualities of being approachable and an encourager which made her a perfect fit in her role in a ministry she helped form for women in our church called “ The Garden and the Well” It serves as a means of Spiritual growth and fellowship.

She is a mighty prayer warrior and intercessor and served as member of the alter prayer ministry. She is always available anytime to pray for whoever is in need. When faced with an issue of discernment, it was Sybella who I felt the Lord directed me to confide. Prayerfully, she helped guide me through to a resolution. Because she has a prophetic gifting, Sybella has given words of knowledge to individuals and the Body.

It was during a woman’s conference held at our church where I first experienced Sybella’s leadership skills. She and a team of other women presented a wonderful weekend retreat. With Sybella’s knowledge of the word and commitment to the Heart of God, she worked diligently to present an intimate Holy Spirit filled experience for every woman in attendance with great success.

As a teacher, Sybella steps into her Spiritual gifting and shines. I’ve had the opportunity to attended several different series in our church where she was the the instructor. And again, it is her passion and knowledge of the Word, that flow into her teachings. She presents an environment where the Holy Spirit is honored and free to have His way.

It is with passion and conviction of faith that Sybella teaches and with a deep desire of her heart to see all whom she encounters, experience Jesus in a real and personal way, to go deeper and to press in with fervor.

Anne Hepworth, Cape Cod, MA


In the six years I have known Sybella, I have connected with her on three different levels.

First, her skin care line and jewelry line:

Because my eyes are sensitive to products, I use her eye cream (which I apply every night). It is the best for softening lines around my eyes, as well as moisturizing that sensitive skin. I also have used other sensitive-producing products including the skin products. As a jewelry wearer, I have purchased a number of her special products. One of my favorites is the flower earrings and matching necklace, which bring compliments whenever I wear them. These scripture-inspired products come with an uplifting biblical word of encouragement, which come in beauty and grace. From the pens to the pearl earrings, from the bracelets to necklaces and even the personalized guitar pick, all carry the beauty of Sybella.

Second: Her ministry in the church:

Sybella is profoundly touched by the Holy Spirit. In our mutual group prayer sessions, she seeks the deeper callings and needs of those around her. In serving on the women’s ministry team together, I learned of her heart-touching care for women (and men) in their heart-growth of their faith. During our worship time in church, I heard prophetic words from her concerning our church, the people, and our responsibility as Christians in a non-Christian world today. As I sat in the seminars and classes she taught, I was amazed at her depth of study and learning and the easy way she disseminated the Words of God from the Bible. She is a studied, informed and spiritual preacher and teacher.

Third: Her calling from the Lord:

I understand Sybella’s calling from the Lord to teach and prophesy. Her blog gently convicts in her prophetic words as she flows in the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Her ministry background includes a decade of teaching and speaking in the church, presentations at women’s conferences, and doing prophetic intercession for our church and the Body of Christ at large. For years, Sybella has had prophetic words spoken over her for her teaching, training, praying and prophesying for the Lord.

Now it all comes together.

The Rev. Christina Laurie, West Falmouth, MA


I have found Sybella Owens Ministries to be spiritually uplifting, yet very direct and scripturally truthful on all accounts. I have also been associated with her online for some time now and have personally endorsed Sybella’s Prophetic Ministry within my own online magazine ‘AWFSM’. Sybella presents a spiritual professionalism that God has crafted in her spiritual gifts.

The creative Godly expressions that Sybella ministers is electric in Godly purpose and love. She is constant and remarkable ‘right on’ in scriptural truths as she presents God’s word in speaking, articles, lessons, prophetic rhema words and in prayers.

Whether you see her personally as a Minister, or her online Ministry, Sybella will always be truthful in a seasoned mature countenance and yet remains very sincere and personal, as she ministers in the gifts and calling that God has given her.

God has greatly blessed her with many talents and gifts and she is a delight to work with. Her joy and love is always expressed in everything she does and it literally reaches out and ignites any listener. Me being one of them!

CLM ~ WQoE Author & Owner of AWFSM Magazine





Sybella is grounded in the word. Her teachings are biblical. She has a beautiful and blessed way to teach, always ready to answer questions. I am ready to take more classes with her for her teachings are spirit lead.

Angelika Belleville – Teaching and Training 


Sybella, ministers the word of God in love. Easily understood. I learn so much from her ministry and I also learn where I may have gotten off track just a little and just how to get turned around. Such a good teacher. Thank you Jesus

Karen Presslin-Belin – Teaching and Training 


Sybella Owens Is A True Woman Of God Walking In His Will. A Beautiful Spirit With A Word For The End Times

Renee Toppin – Ceo of Black Women Who Want More


Sybella is a beautiful pure vessel that seeks to bring the Body of Christ into a place of encounter and transformation. Her rawness and child like faith facilitate an atmosphere in which people can come face to face with the Father’s Heart and be forever changed by His beauty and majesty. I would not hesitate to recommend her as a keynote speaker for conferences, retreats or seminars. She ministers with love and compassion and carries a now word for this generation.

Jennifer Foster, Apostle, TV Show Co-Host at Blazing the Trail Broadcast, Co-Founder at Fire Ministries Int’l


Sybella is genuine, real & completely sold out for Jesus. I’ve followed her for two years. She is a blessing to the body of Christ, she has been a blessing in my life, she’s sown into my journey with love and honesty. If you’re looking for a page to help you grow & encourage you to dive deeper in your relationship with the Lord this is the one! Thank you sister for all you do!

Leci Funderburk Jones, Pastor at The Refiner’s House


This is a great ministry it’s greatly Anointed and has a wealth of teachings, with the word of God to back everything. It has been a blessing to me, and helped me in the way of understanding certain supernatural truths. I recommend this ministry to anyone wanting to move forward in God, and the Gifts of the Spirit.

Gary Smith Sr. – Teaching and Training 


Sybella Owens has a heart for God and a love for people. She carries a teaching anointing and delivers the prophetic word of the Lord to equip, encourage, and build up the Body of Christ. She’s a risk taker for the Lord and not afraid to step out in faith to obey the call of God on her life. Sybella is a modern-day Deborah walking in boldness, not as a man-pleaser, but a God-pleaser. She is a lover of Jesus!

Kimberly Rickenbacker


Sybella Owens is a blessed great woman of God who walks in the love of the Spirit, teaching and speaking the Word of God with authority, passion, and holy zeal. With her deep love for the Lord, she is able to enrich and enlighten others with spiritual ardor and passion for the Lord.

She seeks the Lord diligently for everything and honors and obeys His instructions. Obedience to the Word, a walk of purity, humility in the Spirit, teaching others to walk in the Way has always been strong characteristics of Sybella Owens.

Her fruits spill out to bless others in all areas of her life, teaching, training, equipping, speaking, prophesy and also creating prophetic and scripture inspired products and gifts from Sybella’s Blessing Shop with her strong focus being Jesus as the center of everything.

Sybella Owens has walked though the fire and water, seen tribulations in her life and has come out stronger in the Lord experiencing miraculous victories. This gives her the credibility to teach others and also enriched her own relationship with God to a deeper level.

The Holy Spirit is her guide and teacher and she personally has witnessed miracles in her own life and has deep faith to pray and believe for others. She diligently studies the Word, and trains, equips, mentors and encourages others in the Body of Christ.

She has a deep love for God and the Body of Christ, always willing to lend a helping hand to others. She teaches with ardour, accuracy, and God is using her wonderfully in her prophetic ministry, graceful, true, tested and tried. She is always seeking to walk in a deeper relationship with Jesus whom she adores.

Sybella Owens has a special ministry to the Body of Christ, whom she seeks to encourage, pray for, speak life over and build up. She is always there for the weary, tired and lonely hearted and God.

She ministers under God’s powerful anointing, teaching the Bible, prophesying, speaking rhema words and teaching with love, wisdom, humility and accuracy.

I would recommend Sybella and Sybella Owens Ministries to the Body of Christ. She is pure-hearted child of God, led and anointed by the Holy Spirit, a treasure and a precious gem to me and many, many others.

Rita F. Kurian, Blog Writer, Author & Ministry


I have known Sister Sybella Owens more than several years now. She is a woman of commitment in the Spirit of God and in the gifts He has given her. First and foremost, she is a prayer warrior with a heart of love for all of God’s people. Her dependency on God’s Word is revealed in every area of her life and not just limited to ministry. Sybella is attached to Jesus every way possible; spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and financially. Sybella’s time in the Lord is stewarded beyond the walls of a church because she ministers as Holy Spirit leads and guides her. She is connected to God’s people because she walks with Jesus all day and evening long, even unto being refreshed by Him in her dreams. I recommend Sybella Owens Ministries because the Spirit of GOD and His Truth reside within and upon her and it’s life-changing to receive from a source to whom God will say “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

Sister Brenda Webb


I recommend Sybella Owens Ministry and Holy Spirit Training Group. Sister Sybella has a servant’s heart. She is genuine, knowledgeable, seasoned, and has a heart that cares for God’s sheep.

Christina M Rojas 


We absolutely love your classes! They are very informative and fun. You have a wonderful personality and are a very wise, Godly woman. Thanks and let me know when the classes start up again!

Angel Duncan-Kania  


This teacher is excellent! she will speak truth. I love her!

Noemi Bruno Knutson  


Sybella has been such a blessing to me and many others that I have shared her videos with. I’m so grateful I was lead to her. She truly represents the Bride of Christ. I love her genuine spirit and the love she has for the Lord, the word-truth and people. She has greatly helped me in my prayer life. She has an amazing gift of teaching the gospel and prophesy. She also has an amazing gift to change the atmosphere.. Thank you Lord for your presence that resides in her. Thank you Sybella for sharing your knowledge, wisdom, instructions and always encouraging us to grow deeper in intimacy with Jesus. You are dearly loved and adored. Praying for you and God’s abundance & blessings in your ministry and to make your name distinguished in all the nation! Praise God! ( Genesis 12:2)… In Jesus name. Amen!

Sarah Ghandour  


Since I found you it really make a difference in my life, I told my friends about you and your ministry and they also feel anointed by your videos. I love your idea about online teaching I am very skeptical about churches, but with you I know that I know this is where I want to be. Our Father is using you mightily through the whole world. And I want to thank you again for your obedience in Our Father. Your reward is waiting for you my sis. I told my husband I want to immigrate to America he just laugh at me. That’s not possible. But when we go home I want your home to be next to mine . Love you my sis I will support your ministry and I know that is very good ground to sow in to. Your ministry is my restaurant, you fed me with the word from the throne room.

Mara Crafford Cronje – Teaching and Training, Prophetic Intercession and Encouragement 


I believe that Sybella is a called Woman and Servant of God. She is anointed and speaks in obedience what she hears of the Father. She speaks with a genuine heart of love, discernment and power of the Holy Spirit. For I believe she is one of the voices of Esther’s God is raising up as His redemption draws near!

Vansella Mincy – Teaching, Prophetic Encouragement 


Sybella, I personally wanted to thank you for your periscopes and FB posted words. Your ministry is very informative, encouraging, timely, and personable. I have been truly blessed by it. Keep moving the line forward.

Beverly Pate – Teaching and Training, Prophetic Intercession and Encouragement 


All Glory be to God for this remarkable Woman Of God Sybella Owens. Your teaching/preaching has taught me so much and I thank God for sending you a Power House to his people. God has chosen you to call forth his word and inspire so many. You are filled with the Love of God!! God bless your heart –

Shannon Lee – Teaching and Training 


The Father has led me to your page and it has blessed me tremendously. The words the Father has given you have been such a confirmation because I have been hearing the same words! I have been saved for 4 years and HE has moved so mightily in me. He delivered me from alcohol and prescription pill abuse of 25 years, fully delivered without any withdrawal. He has healed me completely of bipolar disorder which had taken over my life with 2 suicide attempts. I am no longer on any psyche medications. And He healed me of hypothyroidism. He has given me a heart of worship! Now He has moved me in the prophetic and healing and that’s where Sybella has come into my path. I am so thankful for His prophets and fellow co laborers. Rise up and step out!

Jackie Evans – Prophetic Encouragement, Teaching, Healing 


She truly has a heart for God’s people. A great encourager for the Body of Christ!

Louise Fann – Encouragement and Prayer


Sybella is definitely a true daughter of God because I can see Jesus in her. Jesus came to this world to show us the love of our Father and He is the bridge to get to the Father. I see Christ in Sybella, as Jesus was always directing people to the Father through Him, revealing the Father’s heart, and she also points us to the Father and the Lord. She reminds me of a bridge also, to help us come into alignment with the Lord. She wants to see people coming closer to Christ and be in love with Him as He is with us.

I look forward to her videos and posts because they are vital tools of encouragement, edification, exhortation and revelation: these are all attributes of the prophetic anointing and I strongly believe that Sybella’s ministry is lead by the Holy Spirit to ignite and set ablaze the kingdom of God on earth.

Sybella is a Holy Spirit motivator a true spiritual leader of the heavenly realm. Her connection with the Lord sets her apart because she goes directly after the heart of the Father. What I have noticed in all her teachings is that there is deliverance. A sense of freedom from the chains that tend to keep us bound in our own thoughts. The word of the Lord through Sybella breaks those chains and brings clarity peace and joy. Her teachings is to get tapped in, plugged in to the Holy Spirit and most importantly create a strong relationship with Jesus Christ so that He may direct your steps. That is what a prophet does and she bridges the gap between man and the Lord our God. Thank you Lord for Sybella and her ministries.

Sincerely, Your sister in Christ Jesus

Alba Torres, CA – Teaching, Deliverance, Prayer


Hi Sybella, I really thank God for directing me to you. I took a day off today to seek His heart over an issue that has bounded me for years and last Friday it’s ugly head rose up to speak lies and delays over my life. Your message about the shackles are broken and double victory spoke powerfully into my life and situation. Before I ‘stumbled’ into your webpage I told my prayer partner I had a strong impression to wait on Him today because God is going to speak Rhema to me and my situation. And He did through your prophetic message. May the good Lord bless you beyond your highest expectations and grant you the desires of your heart in Jesus’ mighty name.

Stephie Cabrera – Teaching, Healing and Deliverance, Prophetic Intercession


I like listening to Sybella because she is easy to understand and explains everything well. I like seeing her smiling face, it fills me with hope and joy. She is a blessing to me because the words God gives her are timely and accurate. She is a testimony because she encourages me to step out in the call God has for me.

Cindy from Trinidad and Tobago – Teaching and Training 


I find her teaching from the heart, uplifting and in God’s Word

Marchita Ruhl – Teaching and Training 


I had an incredible breakthrough. A deliverance that was very much needed. This class helped orchestrate a supernatural wonderful event that happened in my life and I am very thankful. I love your classes, Sybella. Thank you for all your personal help! Your online classes are marvelous!

Angel Duncan Kania – Teaching and Training, Healing and Deliverance


I’ve really been seeking God about what he wants me to be doing. For what purpose did he put me here? What purpose does he want me to fulfill here with my time in this world? God is faithful and he began to confirm things he spoke to me through people in the Body.

Things that I thought were just passing whims in my mind, inconsequential thoughts, people or situations randomly popping up in my mind–God would have people speak on or pray about these exact things using the exact words I had heard.

He kept confirming so many things so often, I was amazed and then I realized he was doing this to let me know that I was indeed, without a doubt hearing from Him. He was getting me into a place of confidence hearing and recognizing His voice. 

To make a long story short, I believe the Lord gives me Word of knowledge to encourage and to pray and wants me to do intercessory prayer. You don’t know how long it took Hin to get me to say that and believe it! 

I became really convinced in just the last few weeks so I asked God to lead me to some teaching to help me learn and grow in this. In faith I answered a call to intercede for a teacher in The Body and it was in this group that Sybella Owens reached out and requested friendship on Facebook. I had seen her prayers and some interaction with others within the group and she seemed very kind and certainly Godly so I accepted.

Then I saw that she was doing a live recording and teaching and I clicked in out of curiosity.
I am so thankful to God for having me click onto that teaching. Everything God had been saying to me in prayer was confirmed over and over. I was so excited. Then she did a part 2 and there was even GREATER confirmation!

There was also such a beautiful presence of God in these video gatherings and the Love of God flows through Sybella. It is so palpable and beautiful. She validates Everyone. She is humble. She makes sure everyone feels special and loved. That’s God and that’s what made her so wonderfully unique in my eyes. She just goes gently along with God. I thought how wonderful it would be if this woman did training to help people grow in the prayer and word of knowledge gifting. This is the kind of person and teaching we need. This is the kind of person and teaching I need.

I am so glad Sybella was obedient to get on social media and share what God wants her to share with us because it’s a tremendous help to me and I know to others as well, especially for the time we’re in as he’s calling us to our places and getting us rooted and ready for his glory to pour out of his Body.

Paris Lorin – Teaching and Training 


In my daily, weekly, monthly growth in my relationship with God I could not find someone who can support me more than Sunday Church, Prayer and reading the Bible.
But I found Sybella on Facebook and start listening to her voice and saw God’s love for us through her. I thank God for the objective voice, loving smile and wisdom coming through Sybella.

God always redirect me with love via Sybella’s site. Praise God I wish I have more words to describe my experience. The fact that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is present while Sybella talk is enough said. Praise God and may He protect and love her while she loves and cares for His people. Lovely.

Ronel Henricho – Teaching and Training, Prophetic Intercession 


At the end of June 2017 I was feeling held down, stifled in my spiritual growth and at the end of my rope. I sought the Lord and His will for me. I knew for a long time that I was called for something more than just going to church and coming home. After a conference in San Antonio I was led to a FB page for a group of men and women believers sharing and encouraging others in their gifts and giving feedback.

A few times as I shared and reading through other posts Sybella Owens name and picture always came up. Her words are not just on the page they are heartfelt. She speaks and writes with boldness, and courage as she encourages men and woman in all stages of their spiritual growth. I discerned her heart for our Papa. Holy Spirit jumped in my heart when I read her words. Hallelujah! I am blessed that she agreed to be my mentor. I can’t help but think that as she began her online FB videos and Periscope I met her Sybella is a true example of the love of God. She speaks clearly and allows the Holy Spirit to speak through her continually yielding to His teaching through her. I love her heart for our Father and her love for His children. She is a lovely lady inside and out.

We are asked to lead by example. She is an example of the love of God. I have seen all of her videos that are on YouTube and Periscope, most twice. I can feel the love and presence of the Lord pouring through the videos. It’s just so very peaceful and I have learned so much.

I recommend Sybella to anyone needing a teacher, pastor, and prophetess, apostle to come and speak at their church or retreat. Mucho amor dear woman of God. You are on your way. God has so much more in store for you. Get ready He is sending you. He is preparing the way. Your daughter is always listening Lord. Praise God. Thank you Lord for leading me to the moment we All came together.

Cynthia Vega (Testimony 1) – Teaching and Training, Healing and Deliverance, Prophetic Intercession 


I am so grateful for her accurate voice. The echo is connected to the Holy Spirit and His word prophecy of Jesus!!! And I thank you, Father for the Joy of Salvation on her face. I had to stop too LISTEN!!!! “VERY IMPORTANT TIMING ” BLESSINGS & MORE IN THE “NEW” Hallelujah!

Sonyah Smith – Teaching, Prophetic Encouragement and Intercession


Excellent teachings on the supernatural topics of the Lord such as spiritual discernment.

Jane Dillenback Watt – Teaching and Training 


She is the real deal! Her heart for God and for others is truly amazing!

Sheree Garsee – Teaching and Training 


Honest, pure and from God teaching. I recommend Sybella Owen Ministries.

Ronel Henrico – Teaching and Training