Prophetic Word: Pioneer Part 2- Creative Inventions

Prophetic Word Pioneer Part 2- Creative Inventions

posted in: Prophetic Words 14

Hello my beloved Throne Room brothers and sisters! I want to let you know that the Holy Spirit shared several words at once for us with the Pioneer of His Love HERE , being the first portion. I have recorded them all in my notebook and have been prayerfully waiting on His timing and leading on what specific portion to share and when. This is part of stewarding His words.

The first portion the Holy Spirit highlighted His Love and relationships. A very interesting and powerful word! While in that Word the Holy Spirit briefly touched on ALSO being a pioneer “who receives witty or creative inventions, the focus was more on relationships. So this is a continuation of the pioneer Word now shifting to include ALSO witty and creative inventions in more detail.

What I love about the Lord is that when He gives a Word He usually has some sort of instruction built into it to help us, He is SO gracious and good to us! So we want to pay attention when we are reading through and remember that prophetic and rhema words from the Lord usually don’t just automatically fall in our laps. Just like all of God’s promises we need to contend for them, pray into them, believe and receive them in Jesus’ Name. We are to fight the good fight of faith. We have a part to play in agreeing with the Lord and contending!

Verily, verily I say to you amen, amen: that you are about to see a windfall of witty inventions, dreams and ideas enter into your lap in ways you least expect. They are being carried on the winds of My Spirit, says the Lord, both into distant lands AND close by.

From the north, south, east and west, new fresh fire is coming upon my people to rise up and INFLUENCE  the land and region they have been called to and even abroad.

Creative miracles – yes believe Me for them and when I say this term “creative miracles,” don’t box Me in…for My creativity is about to be turned up 1000 decibels so it has the potential to expand you to the left and to the right. It is BEYOND what you think it is.

Be ready to move your tent pegs…even your children’s children will carry in new fresh ideas from heaven to reach My people, so that the world may come to know Me in ways you never thought possible.

Isaiah 54:2-4  “Enlarge the place of your tent: Stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, spare not; Lengthen your cords And strengthen your pegs. “For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left and your descendants will possess nations And will resettle the desolate cities.

I am the God who does abundantly above all you can ask, think or imagine. Therefore, think big and multiply that exponentially says God!

Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us…

Realize My eagerness and willingness to reach My people and save them! Join in with Me in these creative heavenly ways to do so! Be open to My Spirit and ask for My fresh fire of holy thoughts and inventions, creative ideas and proposals, pioneer ideas and eclectic sights, plays and radio, music and fun, books and much more that you have not even thought of!

Allow your holy imaginations to brainstorm with Me, as we team up together to bring food to the poor, to bring My love all around the world, into the highways and the byways!

Remember, I am the God who’s ways are ABOVE your ways and thoughts above your thoughts. Let me stretch your ways of thinking and creativity says the Lord!

Isaiah 55:8-9 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.

Does this resonate with you? I would love to hear your comments and thoughts below!

God bless you, ALWAYS in His LOVE and GRACE, walking WITH you, your sis Sybella Owens

Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

14 Responses

  1. Sybella Owens

    I am so glad Leslie! Hallelujah! 🙂

  2. Leslie Roberts

    Thank you for this Word, Sybella! I am so encouraged, and feeling God’s love!

  3. Sybella Owens

    Wow! Glory to God, that is awesome my brother Jeff! What amazing testimonies you have already, hallelujah! Wonderful confirmation as well. Thank you SO much for sharing this so others can be encouraged Jeff, (including me!) I am praising God right along with you brother!

    I love how you said, “Then when I started reading I just about shouted a hole through the roof of my truck.” LOL, that is awesome! Thank You Lord! You made me laugh and praise! An EXCELLENT combination! 🙂 I hope you come visit more!

    GREAT to see you here. God bless you dear brother, your sis, Sybella

  4. Jeff Grassmick

    Wow God is incredible, he is absolutely incredible. The title caught my attention first, Pioneers.
    Then when I started reading I just about shouted a hole through the roof of my truck.

    Witty inventions I have had ideas over the years and a few months later saw it on the market, thank you Lord for a sanctified imagination. I had three in the last year and a half that I thought were brilliant, I could not have come up with them myself. I had no shop, no electrical engineering background or the time to work on them. About a month after joining” Ignite Now” the Lord had me post this and say that I was giving them away in the Spirit to another believer who would sow most of the profit into the Kingdom of God He told me ask for a person that was a sowing machine. He then told me his economy overrides any earthly one and He said that He would see to it I got royalties, I like the choice of words.

    The first had to do with sound waves and the vibrations they create. He spoke the World into existence. It all ties in with this sound journey he has been taking me on, an entire other subject, sound of heaven, new sound , new song, when we speak and declare, on and on.
    The second a device that can send electricity wirelessly, I believe it can be done I just don’t know how.
    The third I could actually make, not enough time currently.

    Then as I read further you wrote Is. 54:2-4, stretching out your tent pegs. I thought this sounds like what I’ve been asking for. But I got it from Eph. 3:20 and there further down you had that scripture. WOW!!! My fascination with that verse started a couple years ago. I thought how can we ask for something that we can’t imagine. We could pray in the Spirit. Or we could ask for our imagination to be expanded, ask for his Mind. I posted this on Ignite also about a month ago. So I’ve been asking for my imagination and mind to expand and for 100% use of my brain. Also I’ve been asking to be full brained, not right or left brained.

    I’m encouraged and don’t feel like I came from Mars. God abundantly Bless you my sister, Sybella

  5. Amen dear sister Sarah! Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Sarah

    Amen! What a Great and Timely Word! Thank you for your obedience my dear Sister!!

  7. Amen dear sister Sheila! Thank you for your loving gracious words my friend! I love you bunches dear sister and appreciate you greatly as well. Glory to God!

  8. Sheila

    Amen Amen my sis…this is truely amazing and realllllly such a privileged …our Abba Father is very Good to all of us …I thank Him for you my precious sis and I’m reallllllllly sooooo glad I met you here on google + this is also for me a privilege ….Thanks for your blessings sis ….love you my sis

  9. Amen my dear sister Sheila, glory to God! It is such a privileged and honor isn’t it? Truly amazing grace!!! Thank you my dear sister and may God bless you more! 🙂

  10. Amen Lord, I agree with my dear brother Raymond. You’re so right brother, we need to agree and allow Him to have His way! Also thank you so much brother for the prayer of blessing as well. May the Lord have His way completely and accomplish His perfect pleasing will here and in us, through us and upon us to the glory if His Kingdom and for His purposes in Jesus’ Mighty Name amen and amen!

  11. Sheila

    Amen Amen ….Praise God …this is absolutely awesome post my precious sis….I thank God for you ….our Heavenly Father is busy lifting up people all over to be in His team and what a privilege it is to do something for the Kingdom of our Abba Father ….God Bless you my precious sis always

  12. Raymond Rimple

    Jesus thank you word When it says that your ways are way better than our way and I can resonate with this. Jesus wants to enlarge our territories and we have to allow him too. So lord I ask that you bless my sister and her ministry and we are ever so thankfully. To you God for all that you are doing in her life in Jesus name amen

  13. I agree Abba Father with my dear brother Raymond, we thank You and praise You. Thank You for teaching us and encouraging us in Jesus’ name amen.

  14. Raymond Rimple

    Heavenly Father we thank you for word. For your ways are truly above our way. This resonate with me. Each and every day as your ways stretch me to learn about your ways and your reasoning of is best for me as learn to let go and let God day by day. I am learning to trust in Jesus and praising his holy name ..we thank you Jesus. Amen

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