Prophetic Word: Uprooting the old to bring in the new

Prophetic Word: Uprooting the old to bring in the new

Hi dear brothers and sisters, here is another Prophetic Word the Lord wants me to share with you. Feel like you are going through some uncomfortable things? Be encouraged, it all has divine purpose!

Blessed are those who are persecuted for My name’s sake. For yours is the kingdom of heaven. Blessing those who persecute you, does not mean you agree with them or permit it per se, but it means forgive them as My Father forgave you.

For those who are suffering in harm’s way, deliverance IS YOURS in ME. Keep your eyes FIXED on Me while trials and tribulations come your way and take heart that I have overcome the world FIRST on your BEHALF. Also take heart and KNOW that I am singing songs of DELIVERANCE over you CONSTANTLY, reaching out My hand CONTINUALLY to BRING YOU OUT: out of captivity and death and INTO Myself WHO IS LIFE, says the Lord.

Resist the temptation to give up and curl up and die. No! I say that is the devil who is a liar! I, Who is in you, IS GREATER than he who is in this world. Take solace in KNOWING the Lion of Judah ROARS CONTINUALLY on your BEHALF and has NOT forgotten you.

See and hear that though the mountains may be removed, My word shall never fall away. My children rejoice that the evil mountains ARE being removed.

Yes, I remove the perpetrators slowly from your land…realize I am doing this in My time and in My way, so THEY CANNOT OVERTAKE you and bounce back to you again and again (Deuteronomy 7:22).

I must and I am, plowing the SOIL of NEW beginnings, FIRST for many. I must UPROOT the OLD and remove the WRONG evil seeds, roots, rooting systems and cycles in your life. They must be CLEARED from the soil of your heart FIRST, for it has been tainted in your mind. Therefore, renewal of your mind is KEY. Trust My word MORE. Cooperate with My Spirit, that He may bring you much needed comfort at this time. Revelation is coming to you if you don’t faint and give up.

#Prophetic #Rhema #Encourage #FocusonMe #Uproot

Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

13 Responses

  1. Sybella Owens

    Thank you for your kind blessings Jeba, i appreciate it greatly. I am praying for you and your ministry as well in JESUS’ MIGHTY NAME AMEN!

  2. Sybella Owens

    Yes Father! Hallelujah! We praise and thank You for all the New things you are doing and You do them all well in Jesus Name! Thank you Jeba for your prayer of blessing of which I agree with and receive with a grateful heart in Jesus Name Amen! Thank You Lord Jesus!

  3. Jeba

    Yes and Amen.Thank you Father.
    Thank you very much for doing new things. We expect those new things!
    Your plans are new!
    Your ways are New! We can’t find out the way of an Eagle .Thank you for the Blessings and Miracles which are new! Thank you very much for the New , Mighty Wonders for the Church. Lord, Bless the Sybella Owens Ministries to be a Great Blessing to several crores of people in Many Nations.As a servant of God , dear Sister and Prophetess Sybella ,I Bless you in His Holy Name.
    Thank you Jesus. Amen. Hallelujah!

  4. Amen dear sis Sheila, I’m so glad to hear this resonates with you. I know it can be a bit hard at times but I am so glad to hear that the Lord is removing the wrong people and bringing for the right ones that he divinely chooses for His purposes. There is a lot of weeding out going on.

    I love you too so much my beloved friend, thank you for your love and faithfulness in the Lord. You have such a beautiful heart!

  5. Sheila

    Wow Praise God Hallelujah Amen Amen…yes I agree our Abba Father is doing a new thing I thank Him for that sis and thank Him for you my precious sis ….He ‘s working in my life I’m busy removing some people because they’re out to work against me and make fun of me and I know for sure they’re not from Abba Yahweh….thank you for sharing my beloved sis this post is sooooooo awesome and vital ….oh I love you soooooo much sis

  6. Thank you SO much my beloved sister, glory to God, Hallelujah! Oh yes Father we join together in praising You and making a joyful sound to You Lord, for You are so Good and Your Love for us endures forever! Thank you so much dear sister fro your gracious, kind and loving encouragement, witness and support, I appreciate your prayers greatly as well. Know that I am continuing to keep you in prayer God’s Beloved. To encourage you further, when fear comes, you take courage sister and look it square in the eye and say you have no authorization to be here! Just like you said dear sister, You have been given a Spirit of love, power and sound mind! Hallelujah! Keep your eyes fixed on the Lord sis, He is with you continually!

  7. Kelly Sellers

    Glory be to God Hallelujah. I love you father for the work you are doing in my beloved sister Sybella and her ministry. To all who are commenting and following our sister and Prophetess I thank god for you also. God is using her in my life dramatically I can not even explain yet. I’m looking forward to my growth I admit I’m scared but father doesn’t have that spirit and he is working on me. Thank you all for your love and prayers. I will keep you in my prayers

  8. Wow, I love the Holy Spirit confirmation dear sister. He is doing some deep work in the Body of Christ. It is deep, exciting and requires much perseverance! I just saw you shared this on FB, thank you so much dear Rita! You are such a blessing to not only me but the Body of Christ. Thank you for all that you do, I love you tons.

  9. Rita Kurian

    Yes, there is so much hope and encouragement, I was also meditating on old evil seeds being uprooted, and God is doing and will do a new work..Amen..

  10. Welcome, you are new Latasha, Hallelujah, I’m so glad you paused to read, comment and visit. I hope you will visit often! God bless you 🙂

  11. Latasha

    Thank you for sharing the Word of the Lord

  12. I understand my dear sis Kelly. The enemy is so scared. Praise be to God that He is for us! And He is for us who can be against us? meaning: no weapon formed against will prosper. I pray this over us both in Jesus’ name. Remember, all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. What the devil means for harm the Lord will turn it around and use it to uproot things that need to be removed and replaced with more of Him. I love you sis, know I am praying for you!

  13. Kelly Sellers

    Thank you beloved for your prophetic gift that your sharing with us. Teach me your ways and your ways only father. Yes I feel uncomfortable at times. The enemy is very busy trying to use anything to not have me follow God. Honestly I have been tired lately but I’m holding on

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