Invitation from God

posted in: Love of God, teaching 0

Throne Room Brothers and Sisters, I have something the Lord has put on my heart today to help encourage us and also has some Holy Spirit teaching. We are so hungry and thirsty for the Lord and His Truth, His Presence. It’s ONLY in His Presence that there is FULLNESS of Joy. However, many people do not … Read More

Identity Crisis

My Throne Room Brothers and Sisters, the Lord brought forth a word while I was praying about a year ago describing the main problem in the world. He said, “daughter the world suffers from an IDENTITY CRISIS. They are looking for Me but don’t even know it because they have been so hurt and deceived.” I … Read More

Have Nothing to do with Foolish Arguments

posted in: teaching 0

We sadly see a lot of what Apostle Paul called foolish arguments, especially on social media platforms today. Let’s take a look at that scripture together from 2 Timothy 2:23-24: Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must … Read More