The Least of These – Prophetic Word

posted in: Prophetic Words 0

The Lord gave me this Word in April of this year. I actually meant to post it sooner. I believe it actually has the potential to reach and encourage many in this difficult hour we find ourselves in. Be blessed. THE LEAST OF THESE Yes, those who are called “least.” Those who are called “useless,” “worthless,” … Read More

JESUS – The True Master of Love

posted in: Encouragement 0

It’s no accident that you find yourself reading this right now. Do you know that God pursues you daily? That’s how much He loves you and wants you to know His love for you. No one can love you like the King and Master of Love Himself, Jesus Christ. While the world tells you that you … Read More

Prophetic Declaration – Ephesians 3:20 Faith Seeds

posted in: Prayers and Decrees 18

This is a powerful word the Lord has planted in me for awhile. It has been taking root, getting watered and coming alive! The Spirit of God is now arising in me to speak EPHESIANS 3:20 FAITH over you Royal People of God! Get ready to agree and receive in Jesus’ Mighty Name amen! I speak … Read More

Discern and Guard Divine Alignments

posted in: teaching 15

Hi my brothers and sisters in Christ! This is very important. Who you surround yourself with matters immensely! The bible says that a house divided shall fall. The bible says two can walk together if only in agreement. This is true with alignments as well. Here is an encouraging word to exhort you and spur you … Read More

Special Anointing of the Father’s Love to Heal the Fatherless

Hello, My Fresh Fire Brothers and Sisters and in Christ! The Lord revealed this powerful word last week that I am excited to share with you today! The Lord is releasing a special anointing to heal the fatherless! It is a special Agape Papa Love anointing for those (both men and women in Christ) who have … Read More

Encouraging Word on Perseverance

posted in: Encouragement 4

Are you going through a really difficult time right now? Do you feel like things are being long and drawn out? Are you feeling weary? The Lord showed me the word “PERSEVERANCE.” He had me look at it with an extra “e” to highlight the word severe. The definition of Perseverance is a continued effort to … Read More

Shoot My Arrows of Love and Truth

posted in: Prophetic Words 6

Do you need a reminder of how much God loves you? What about His heart for the world and that you have purpose? Well keep reading because this is a powerful and beautiful, inspiring word to help strengthen you and motivate you to go out as our Abba Father leads you. Abba says: Please know My … Read More

Powerful Healing Word: I have the Key to your heart

Beloved, this word is so tender and beautiful from our Papa to you. As I wrote out by the Holy Spirit I had tears come up more then once. Oh what a loving Good Good Father we have. He wants to heal us. He wants to more then we even want it, which is hard for … Read More

July-September 2017 Prophetic Word: Kingdom Directives

posted in: Prophetic Words 18

Hi My Beloved brothers and sisters! The Lord has a powerful word on Kingdom Directives for you! This is packed full of strategy and important things for the next three months! Hear is what I heard the Lord say when I was fasting and praying. This is a Season of Kingdom Directives I am handing out … Read More

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