One Way To Know if God Has Your Heart

posted in: teaching 4

It has been quite awhile since I have been on my blog and social media. In fact, those of you that know me, are familiar with at least two or three times, that the Lord has pulled me away completely off of social media for significant periods of time. In transparency, I admit that at these … Read More

New Decade of Massive Victory

posted in: Prophetic Words 2

This encouraging word applies to this new decade and era. It’s a word from the Holy Spirit that has some fun rhyme to it, and reminds me of a poem or song, which He sometimes does! How many of you know that God has a sense of humor? Oh Yes He does! So here goes, get … Read More

Each Part Matters – Godly Relationships Part 1

posted in: Relationships, teaching 6

God is a God of relationship. The types of relationships we have in our lives directly affect our lives profoundly. It is crucial that we understand the different categories of relationships in our lives and the boundaries that make it that type of relationship so we can place the right person in the right category of … Read More

It’s About Our Heart Condition – Part One

I was at one of our church’s revival meetings the other night. We are praying for revival for our local church, the region, and the nation. As we were worshiping God in unity, the Holy Spirit began moving, and people began to have visions, impressions, and words inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. There is … Read More