Sweet Growing Pains – Part 3

His Beloved, this is the 3rd and final part on the Sweet Growing Pains series. If you missed those you can go to part 1 here and part 2 here. Real LOVING GODLY RELATIONSHIPS involve way MORE WORK and PATIENCE (just one of the Holy Spirit Fruits) then many care to look at or admit. It’s … Read More

Sweet Growing Pains – Part 2

(Read Part 1 here) My Throne Room Brothers and Sisters, this is the second part in a 3 part series called Sweet Growing Pains. It is a bit cheekier then some of my other posts, but actually that is how the Lord gave it me =) The Lord has a wonderful sense of humor of course … Read More

Sweet Growing Pains – Part 1

posted in: Prophetic Words 0

The Lord has given us words for years at our local church on “grow up,” and “wake up” for our region. This has also been echoed prophetically across the globe many times over. A major, if not main part of this “grow up” message has to do with how we treat one another in the Body … Read More