Release the Lord’s Battle Cry In You

posted in: Encouragement 2

Be ready to release the battle cry that the Lord is placing within you. The Holy Spirit I believe is going to begin to stir this “battle cry” up within many of you. It may come forth while you are praying in tongues, or praising and worshipping. It may come forth in a loud shout like … Read More

Exposing, Justice and Opportunity

posted in: Prophetic Words 6

There is a lot going on in the world right now and in the United States of America. There is a lot going on behind the scenes, both in the spirit, and in the natural. John 10:10 is clear that it is the devil that comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but that Jesus came so … Read More

JESUS – The True Master of Love

posted in: Encouragement 0

It’s no accident that you find yourself reading this right now. Do you know that God pursues you daily? That’s how much He loves you and wants you to know His love for you. No one can love you like the King and Master of Love Himself, Jesus Christ. While the world tells you that you … Read More

New Decade of Massive Victory

posted in: Prophetic Words 2

This encouraging word applies to this new decade and era. It’s a word from the Holy Spirit that has some fun rhyme to it, and reminds me of a poem or song, which He sometimes does! How many of you know that God has a sense of humor? Oh Yes He does! So here goes, get … Read More

Encouraging Word on Perseverance

posted in: Encouragement 4

Are you going through a really difficult time right now? Do you feel like things are being long and drawn out? Are you feeling weary? The Lord showed me the word “PERSEVERANCE.” He had me look at it with an extra “e” to highlight the word severe. The definition of Perseverance is a continued effort to … Read More

Powerful Healing Word: I have the Key to your heart

Beloved, this word is so tender and beautiful from our Papa to you. As I wrote out by the Holy Spirit I had tears come up more then once. Oh what a loving Good Good Father we have. He wants to heal us. He wants to more then we even want it, which is hard for … Read More

My Glory Kings and Queens!

posted in: Prophetic Words 8

Hello His Beloved! I have a word the Lord gave me the other day after much prayer and fasting with Him. He downloaded a lot and this is one of them. This is powerful, I pray you open your hearts to receive all Your Abba Daddy wants you to in the Mighty Name of Jesus Amen! … Read More


Hi my beloved brothers and sisters, I have a short but powerful encouragement from about 8 months ago. I had a dream and I did not feel led to release it until now. In the dream I saw a huge psunami! For a moment I thought it may be bad, it was such a huge and … Read More

Prophetic Word: Uprooting the old to bring in the new

Hi dear brothers and sisters, here is another Prophetic Word the Lord wants me to share with you. Feel like you are going through some uncomfortable things? Be encouraged, it all has divine purpose! Blessed are those who are persecuted for My name’s sake. For yours is the kingdom of heaven. Blessing those who persecute you, … Read More

Come to Me and be replenished

Hi my beloved brothers and sisters, I have been waiting on the Lord when to release some of the other prophetic and rhema words the Holy Spirit downloaded for us, starting with the Pioneer words. I felt the prompting got share some more today. This is a powerful encouraging word. Those of you that are sighing … Read More

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