I had an incredible breakthrough. A deliverance that was very much needed. This class helped orchestrate a supernatural wonderful event that happened in my life and I am very thankful. I love your classes, Sybella. Thank you for all your personal help! Your online classes are marvelous!

Angel Duncan Kania – Teaching, Training and Deliverance


I have taken classes on Discerning Spirits before. But none were like this one. I’m so grateful Holy Spirit led me to you Sybella. SO GRATEFUL!!! He is using you to stir me up!

It’s been such an honor to be a student here. The Lord Himself led me to you Sybella. I am so very grateful!

Toni Camuso – Gift of Discerning of Spirits Course


On 25 July Sybella was praying and saw a demon holding someone very tight, she had also prayed over toes. I have had pain in both upper arms and also pain in my toes due to bunions. The pain in my toes is totally gone. I once in a while feel some pain in my right hand upper arm but I remind the enemy that I am set free and he has not right to harass me. Praise God for setting me free.

As Sybella was praying for me against this dizziness I had been feeling for a while, I saw in my spirit an old man being pulled out of me. I believe it was an angel who pulled this being out of me. This old man, head hanging down, void of energy and life. Being pulled up, no resistance, like he knew he was overcome, defeated and taken out.

Angelika Belleville – Gift of Discerning of Spirits Course, Deliverance


Sybella has been such a blessing to me and many others that I have shared her videos with. I’m so grateful I was lead to her. She truly represents the Bride of Christ. I love her genuine spirit and the love she has for the Lord, the word-truth and people. She has greatly helped me in my prayer life. She has an amazing gift of teaching the gospel and prophesy. She also has an amazing gift to change the atmosphere.. Thank you Lord for your presence that resides in her. Thank you Sybella for sharing your knowledge, wisdom, instructions and always encouraging us to grow deeper in intimacy with Jesus. You are dearly loved and adored. Praying for you and God’s abundance & blessings in your ministry and to make your name distinguished in all the nation! Praise God! ( Genesis 12:2)… In Jesus name. Amen!

Sarah Ghandour – Teaching, Training and Prophetic Encouragement


In obedience to the Lord, I moved from one city to another in July of last year. Since that time I have been dealing with a heavy spiritual attack. Witchcraft and the like. I had an eating disorder that was beginning to gain ground. At every move the Lord was faithful and I kept praying and I know I had people interceding for me. But I could not continue on my own.

On July 8, 2019, I called on my Sister Sybella. I was in desperate need of prayer. She began to pray in the most beautiful voice. Holy Spirit sang words of healing over me through my Sister. For over an hour the Holy Spirit just ministered to my wounded heart. My wounded heart carried 50 years of old bandages. Thank you Papa! The callouses of deep pain began to fall away. I could see and feel my Father’s presence. I felt chains fall off. I felt years of shame and condemnation fall off. I have wanted to be free, to experience the freedom that I see other beautiful children enjoy in the Lord. Hallelujah!!

Since that night I have slept better. Whatever was in my ears is gone. I can hear my Lord. I am not afraid. I walk into a room and begin to sing in a heavenly language. I begin to praise and worship in my heavenly language. Today driving home I began to sing just as my sweet Sister Sybella was singing that night. I sang in this manner for about 30 minutes. Praise God!! Thank you Lord. Did He impart in me the same gift He gave my Sister? I say yes and Yes Lord, use me. I have been imparted with a gift that makes the enemy flee as I praise my Lord my God. Hallelujah! Oh Praise your Holy Name Jesus!! Thank you Lord for trusting me with your gifts Lord. Help me to be a good and faithful servant and steward of these gifts for your Kingdom. Let me go out and among to be a loving example of You in me. IN Jesus Name. I lift up my sister Sybella Lord. I thank you for her and for bringing her in to my life. Words cannot express my gratitude and love for her. I am honored to call her Sister. Thank you Jesus. Amen. Thank you for your faithfulness to our Lord Sister.

Cynthia Vega – Healing, Deliverance and Prayer


At the end of June 2017 I was feeling held down, stifled in my spiritual growth and at the end of my rope. I sought the Lord and His will for me. I knew for a long time that I was called for something more than just going to church and coming home. After a conference in San Antonio I was led to a FB page for a group of men and women believers sharing and encouraging others in their gifts and giving feedback.

A few times as I shared and reading through other posts Sybella Owens name and picture always came up. Her words are not just on the page they are heartfelt. She speaks and writes with boldness, and courage as she encourages men and woman in all stages of their spiritual growth. I discerned her heart for our Papa. Holy Spirit jumped in my heart when I read her words. Hallelujah! I am blessed that she agreed to be my mentor. I can’t help but think that as she began her online FB videos and Periscope I met her Sybella is a true example of the love of God. She speaks clearly and allows the Holy Spirit to speak through her continually yielding to His teaching through her. I love her heart for our Father and her love for His children. She is a lovely lady inside and out.

We are asked to lead by example. She is an example of the love of God. I have seen all of her videos that are on YouTube and Periscope, most twice. I can feel the love and presence of the Lord pouring through the videos. It’s just so very peaceful and I have learned so much.

I recommend Sybella to anyone needing a teacher, pastor, and prophetess, apostle to come and speak at their church or retreat. Mucho amor dear woman of God. You are on your way. God has so much more in store for you. Get ready He is sending you. He is preparing the way. Your daughter is always listening Lord. Praise God. Thank you Lord for leading me to the moment we All came together.

Cynthia Vega – Teaching, Training, Mentorship


Yes while Sybella was praying for me that doors were being shut, I began to smell roses really strong even in my sinuses just before she said there were angel’s here I was smelling them before she said that, I’m not much of a crier, but I am these days, when He does something or tells me something it is just so humbling.

I was having another issue and was concerned, but I knew the Lord would take care of it, and He used Sybella’s class to point me in the right direction. I said all that to say this, I have been praying in a new tongue. I have noticed, for about 2 weeks now, not for long periods, but enough to start getting sick in my stomach. I knew this was not good I started to ask, but I thought I will wait maybe something in class will explain it.

So I was in my prayer building praying this morning and the new tongue started up, sure enough I started getting sick nauseous then it came to my mind, I felt to pray about things I watched on TV while I was out of God’s will, Holywood junk, I repented of those things, pulled up the roots and cast into the sea, but there was a lot of gagging and I let myself because I knew what was going on, it was permitted, so now it is evicted. Then I was praying in the new tongue and it was free as can be, and I have had hardly any pain at all today. But I did as Sybella did when that started happening and I just allowed it to happen. Praise the Lord Jesus for His amazing grace.

Gary Smith Sr. Teaching, Training, Deliverance and Prayer