October Prophetic Word - Victory is Close at Hand!

Victory is Close at Hand!

posted in: Prophetic Words 27

Hi my Throne room Brothers and Sisters! The Lord has been given me several words on battle and how victory is close at hand as we enter into the ladder part of this year! So I want to continue to encourage you, speak victory and the life of Christ over you in Jesus’ Name amen.

I can hear the battle horn, its a sound from heaven. I can hear the metal clashing with metal. I can see and hear the battle in the spirit. I can hear the battle cries, the declarations. I can see the overtaking of the enemies camp. I’m telling you. Get ready! Those who are going through the keyholes, the fires, the swamps, the heavy fog, I prophesy over you right now in the mighty name of Jesus: You are going to come out stronger, sharper, and wiser then you have ever been before. In fact, you are going to be deadly to the enemy! many of you are being trained at such a level that you are going to be sniper level, expert level arch-men.

I see some of you warring in the Spirit with such an ease, swords in both hands and you are cutting through enemies forces without a drop of sweat. I can see some of you armored up in serious high caliber gear. I tell you child of God, Rambo has nothing on you! Wonder woman cannot compare to the power of Christ in you! You have the King of Kings in you! I can hear the sound, can you hear it?

Victory is yours and some of you are on the verge of major breakthrough. You will be collecting the spoils that the enemy has stolen from you and then some! I see some of you putting your foot on the necks of the devils that have been tormenting you. Keep pressing through because the tables are about to turn and you are going to triumphantly crush the adversary and walk in total victory in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

Does this word resonate with you? Have you been going through a battle? Leave comments below.

Your Sis in Christ, Sybella Owens


Follow Sybella:
The Lord has put a passionate fire in Sybella to teach, train, and ignite the Body of Christ through speaking, writing, prophecy, and prayer intercession. Sybella ministers the uncompromising Word of God, and moves in the love, anointing, power, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. She loves all things Jesus, Holy Ghost adventures, clean humor, and a good cupcake.

27 Responses

  1. Sybella Owens

    Hallelujah Clement! Glory to God! What an Amazing Lord we serve! Oh Hallelujah! Thank you Clement! Good to see you here! God bless you!

  2. Clement NG

    PREACH!! Christ and Him crucified!! Sister Sybella 🙂 LOVE your message,, so edified – THANK YOU!!

  3. Sybella Owens

    Amen Bonnie! God bless you!

  4. Bonnie Currie


  5. Sybella Owens

    Yes! It is so true Melissa! There is a lot of deep and intense things going on. Keep pressing in like you are! God is with you!

  6. Melissa schaffer

    Major battles I’ve been going through since I got saved 24 years ago!!! Def feel spiritual warfare going on and it’s very deep stuff. I feel a call to press on, pray more than ever, become inseparable in heart and spirit with my God and have victory!!!!

  7. Sybella Owens

    Yes! Yes! Yes! I agree with you Jeba in Jesus’ Mighty Name Amen! You are so welcome! Glory to God! I am glad you are encouraged & blessed!

  8. Jeba

    Yes and Amen. Yes Lord. Thank you Jesus. Victory is mine. Thank you for the Watchman call. As a servant of God, I will do Great things.I will soar High! Glory to Jesus.Amen . Hallelujah!
    Thank you Sister for the Encouraging Words.

  9. Jeba

    Yes and Amen. Yes Lord. Thank you Jesus.Thank you for the Watchman call. Victory is mine! I will do Great things for Jesus. You are with me. You are my Strength. You are my Shield. Thank you for the encouraging Words.
    Thank you Sister.
    God Bless you.

  10. Sybella Owens

    YES Robear! I agree in Jesus’ Name Amen! God bless you! Great to have you here!

  11. Sybella Owens

    WOW HALLELUJAH WOWBEAR! GLORY TO GOD! I love reading and witnessing your praise unto the Lord! I AM SO BLESSED BY THIS! Thank You Abba Father! thank You Lord Jesus and the the Holy Spirit! We praise You and lift up Your Holy Name Lord Jesus! You Alone are worthy to be praised! You are So Good! GLORY TO GOD! HALLELUJAH!
    What a beautiful post Sister! Thank you so much for sharing here! I stand in agreement with all that You have declared in Jesus’ Mighty Name Amen!

  12. Sybella Owens

    Hi Sandra! Welcome! It is so great to see you here! I am so blessed to hear that the prophetic words of the Lord are resonating so strongly and accurately with you, glory to God! The Lord is so Faithful and loves us so much doesn’t He? Thank You Lord we praise You! God bless you Sandra! Hope to see you again!

  13. sandra taylor

    Thankyou for sharing the lord.s prophetic word i was amazed to here all that you spoke .i can honestly say it was myself you spoke to resonated to all amazing .thankyou so much God bless

  14. Robear

    I speak to sickness and disease correction. Mountains, corrections

  15. Robear

    Wow, How Awesome is this ? Glory, to our Almighty King of Kings, and Lord of Lords,
    Wow, this is so Wonderful, I am dancing and spinning in the spirit with songs of deliverance
    Such Higher Praises, am I lifting up unto the Father right Now !!!! I am so Happy, Happy,
    Victory, is so close at hand Sybella Owens, my Sis, so Happy, Happy, for this is an exciting
    long awaited promise, which I have believed and held onto. Indeed so, I have the King of Kings
    within me, and with him inside of me Nothing, Nothing, is impossible, for we are one, we willgh
    acomplish all and everything. I’m ready to war on the enemy’s camp, to take him out of my life
    for good. Hallelujah !!! Glory to God !!! I will keep on keep on pressing, and pressing, till I see
    that snake crushed and burned with ashes under my feet, for enough is enough, for I am Victorious
    I am an Overcomer, in all things. I am who God, says I am, Nothing can defeat me. I am clothe
    in his Armor, a watchman, for Jesus Christ ! I can hear the sounds of Heaven !!! Hallelujah !!!!!
    I declare and decree Victory, Total Victory, in every area of my life, for I am a Winner !!!!! Called
    Chosen, Anointed, Mighty Woman of God !!! Hallelujah !!! I am Coming Out !!! Coming Out of
    lack, Coming out of Poverty, Coming out of Limitations, for I indeed Speap to the Mngountains,
    and they obey my voice. I Speak to sickness and diease, and it obeys my voice. I speak to pain
    and command it to go, and it goes immediately from before me. I am Highly favored of my God,
    Blessed to be a Blessing, Chosen for Greater Works. Glory to God !!! I have been through such
    tremendous battles, yet with all knowing, the battles were the Lord’s, I have fought, endured
    persecutions of extremes, yet I am still standing, been fasley accused, thrown in the pit, as like
    Joseph, still there, yet I know that I know I am prospering there, in that same place, for my
    Father, is preparing a table before me, in the presence of my enemies, Blessings, upon
    Blessings, and I declare and decree I Am Coming Out Greater than before, for my enemies
    shall see the Glory of the Lord upon me, when he takes me out, they shall bow down before
    me. Hallelujah !!! Can’t help but to Praise the Lord, an Awesome Loving Father, Counslor, and
    Friend, to me, thee Grestest Daddy of All. I am just bragging on him, he is so Good, Good,
    Good, Wow, Oh how I love, love, love him so much. Amen !!! Love ya Sybella Owens !!!!!!

  16. Sybella Owens

    Hi Aipo! I understand what that is like! HAHA, I can laugh now. Yes! I declare it over you VICTORY IS CLOSE AT HAND! IN JESUS’ MIGHTY NAME AMEN! Thank you for your witness the Lord’s prophetic. God bless you!

  17. Aïpo Ferdinand

    Hi Sybella, If I tell you what I’ve been going through you might not believe. However The Lord showed me that I am at the end of this weird ennemy assault and that victory is close at hand ! You are a “reliable prophetic voice” ! Blessings !

  18. Sybella Owens

    Amen Tyquana! God bless you & great to see you here!

  19. Sybella Owens

    Amen Terri! You are so welcome! Let’s keep holding each other up! Thank you for leaving such an encouraging comment for all the saints, there is power in UNITY IN CHRIST! Hallelujah! God bless you Terri & great to see you here!

  20. Sybella Owens

    Hallelujah Sis Lynette!!! I understand! Agreeing with you in the MIGHTY MATCHLESS NAME OF JESUS Who is the NAME ABOVE EVERY NAME! God bless you Sis and great top see you here!

  21. Sybella Owens

    Amen Pastor Annie! I love your reply! HAHA! Amen!

  22. Sybella Owens

    Amen Sis Gail! Good to see you here!

  23. Lynette

    Amen! I receive it! I am DEFINITELY warring in the Spirit. Standing in the gap for my unsaved husband. I declare a breakthrough is soooooo close Sybella!!!! In the MIGHTY and MATCHLESS name of JESUS!!!!

  24. Terri

    Thank you Sybella for this word from the Lord! Yes Victory is close at hand, stand your ground saints!

  25. Tyquana

    Yes sis amen!

  26. Annie Marie

    I am doing a Hallelujah victory dance with swords and flags on top the enemy right now in Jesus’ Mighty Matchless Name Amen! Thank you for this word.

  27. Gail

    Yes and Amen

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